Weave sex is a little awkward.

Good shoes and a good scent make the perfect day.

As long as the acting is good, I can appreciate it.

I'm a self-made woman. I've never compromised myself.

Directing music videos is all about capturing images.

I don’t feel less loved or less loving because I’m not married.

I think that's the most important thing: that we create dialogue.

I do think gun control is important. I am a supporter of gun control.

The last step will be letting my hair go natural. That's when you'll know I'm free.

I love shoes. I am a shoe fanatic. I have a special closet in my home just for my shoes.

I believe everyone should have the freedom to represent what they believe-in in their own way.

I don't think the religion makes the woman; I think the woman is who she is within the religion.

So much of parenting is following your instincts, and taking the time to actually know your child.

I think for me to find that project is going to be something that I'm going to have to develop for myself.

I learned there's a tremendous amount of sisterhood among Muslim women, which I thought was really beautiful.

I've seen some great write ups and I emailed her the other night because I saw her on an awards show recently.

I am not supporting Donald Trump. I think he does this country such a disservice. And I'm gonna leave it there.

Enjoy life, study hard, play hard, be kind to other people, set high standards, and don't be afraid to say "No."

I would love to have the ability to see inside everyone's heart before I heard them speak or even saw their faces.

So I think if we’d just take our time as women, and do what comes natural to us and for us, we would make fewer mistakes.

All of us have moments in our lives when we have to choose between what we know is right and what we feel obligated to do.

The minute your child is born, your life is changed forever. I think I've become so aware of how important balance is in life.

I'm working on a project called Lemons, produced by Killer Films. The director has a great perspective on character development.

I am in constant search for that project that speaks to me personally. And when all the pieces come together properly, it'll happen.

I believe that whatever your religious preference, there has to be a commitment to family because everything really does start there.

I'm kind of pinching myself in the morning. Like, wait, you really did pray to have a body of work that stays diversified and interesting. And I have it!

I said 'Brian, no one is going to respect me as a mother after this.' He said, 'oh no, yes they will, this is a movie, don't worry about it.' But they're not.

First of all when you're a mommy like you like the consistency of being on a show like that's just peace of mind, I know I have financial, you know stability.

We're all in the service business. If you hire me to do a job I expect everybody else to be where I am. A little bit of crazy is good. It keeps things - balanced.

I have a beautiful son, I don't regret it, I'm very proud of the way that we handle our relationship and the way that we keep our son first and that's our priority.

I admire the women who can have babies and jump right back to work. As a nursing mother, I couldn’t sit there and just pump all day. I needed to be close to my baby.

I think it's a beautiful thing when you wear a uniform or a garb which represents a group of people, because what it immediately symbolizes is oneness, togetherness.

Just like in Christianity or Buddhism, obviously there are certain practices that dictate one's life, but I don't think you can say all Muslim women are a certain way.

When you are single mom - don't be afraid to get out there and date, and have a little bit of fun. We're still women... we're still feminine... and we still have needs.

It's my motor, it's the thing that keeps me going and so when I have these auditions for these big movies, I can depend on myself because I've been working consistently.

Collaboration is necessary for making great art. Everybody has a perspective on what they think or feel the material should ultimately look like when it hits the screen.

It's hard to judge yourself. Each Essence cover represents a different special moment in my life. One is about keeping it sexy in my 40s, so I'm not mad about that either.

I think classic films are classic for a reason. It's always sketchy to redo one, especially if you're trying to make it contemporary. That's really just not the way to go.

I don't think you should reprimand your child for everything you're feeling because for them it's as serious as when something happens in our day and we get upset about it.

I've always been raised to love everyone, to accept everyone for their differences, and to just be open. But at a young, a very young age, I realized what racism was all about.

I think there are a lot of other actors that are just talented, it's just about this opportunity - it's just about when are we going to be put in those positions where we can shine.

I know how to make other women look beautiful: from hair to makeup to wardrobe. So, I feel that I have a gift with imaging, and that's kind of fundamental to the music video process.

To put it in layman's terms, crazy is crazy. And crazy will find a way to do something crazy. Racist is racist. And racist people will find a way to project their racism onto the world.

We haven't even gotten a start date but we'll see what happens with that and that will be fun. I've gotten a couple of other things but I'm not really committing myself to anything yet.

He just was being four. He just was being a child. He wasn't interested in what my agenda was. He wanted to do what he wanted to do and it started because he saw the lights on in Toys R Us.

I want to have conversations, because they give you confidence in your choices. I learned it first on Boyz n the Hood, but it is not a race-based experience - it is part of the artistic process.

I have been in situations where actors are treated like robots: say the lines, say it like this, we don't have time for conversations. That is a terrible position to be in as an artist. You feel used.

I try to do the same thing when I'm with young actors who are new and unsure. I try to do the same thing for them that I saw Laurence [Fishburne] and Angela [Dasset]do for all of us on Boyz n the Hood.

I was happy she got it and I have to sort of - and one of the reasons I did Third Watch is because I wanted to break that thing of just being the pretty girl and play it down and let it be about the work.

I think you grow through your experiences; you get better as you grow and I'm not nearly where I think I'm going to be eventually where I inspire to be and hopefully the opportunities will continue to come.

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