Changing is for weirdos.

I've got an IQ of 40 million.

I like anything that's edible.

If it were legal, I'd marry food.

I love with the heart not the eyes.

I’ll always defend the people I Love.

Frankly, I don’t care what others say.

I want a girlfriend who can eat like me

I'd rather go to sleep than find a girl.

Everyone gets that second album syndrome.

I've not actually been on too many dates.

If I looked like Zayn, I would date myself

Do you think anybody knows that I'm Irish?

I'm the most carefree mo'fo' in the world.

Cause I'm Irish, and everyone remembers me.

The light's hot, everything’s hot, I’m hot.

Queuing tips for fans: wrap up and bring food!

I'm the most carefree, happy person you'll meet.

I'm not really a flirt; I just try to be myself.

Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy.

I used to have an imaginary friend named Michael.

I love being in bed almost as much as I love food.

Words will be just words till you bring them to life

Don't mess with our fans or we'll come and find you.

When I have time off, all I want to do is do nothing.

I don't want to live up to how people expect me to be.

I can't help but look for my future wife in the crowd.

I'd date a fan as long as she didn't scream in my face.

Red Bull doesn't give you wings, it just makes ya sick.

I'd always walk my girlfriend home, i'm too protective!

I've got my old favorites like The Eagles and Bon Jovi.

I want to live forever! I want to learn how to fly high!

I just like sitting at home, chilling and watching a movie.

Fans always ask me to marry them so I'll have a lot of wives

'Ted' made me nearly cry. It's kind of like 'Marley and Me.'

I want a girlfriend who eats as much as I do, which is a lot.

I’m waiting for my princess to come I just have to be patient.

If I got a girlfriend, I’d feed her playfully all of the time.

Age is just a number. Who cares how old the girl is that I date?

Our band will never change , we will always be 5 singing idiots .

The worst thing a girl could do on a date is fart louder than me.

Can clearly say Vegemite is horrible! Like tryin' new stuff though.

My accent always works with girls. They like it, I have no idea why.

The bigger the crowd the better really! The noise calms your nerves.

I wonder if anyone thinks of me when they can’t fall asleep at night.

If a man whistles at you, don't turn around. You are a lady not a dog.

We cut up lemons on a chop board because they are good for our voices.

I won't date a model, because models are perfect and perfect is boring.

Someone told me the smile on my face gets bigger when I play the guitar.

Sometimes, the girls hug all boys except me, and I just smile, but it hurts.

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