No man is an island.

Reading begets reading.

I think I am naturally depressive.

Screenwriting is about condensing.

My relationships are fairly stable.

What good were real feelings anyway?

It takes a child to say the unsayable.

I have a really low boredom threshold.

What went wrong? Nothing and everything.

I miss independent record stores very much.

I applied for a job on 'Melody Maker' once.

...self-consciousness is a man's worst enemy.

So now what? What happens when words fail us?

Sometimes we have to be judged by our one-offs.

I hate time. It never does what you want it to.

Human beings are millions of things in one day.

My computer is littered with abandoned projects.

I think I became less literary after I sold more!

I've always been able to enjoy aspects of my life.

I'd say I got into Marvin Gaye properly in college.

Books are, let's face it, better than everything else.

It was hopeless, life, really. It was set up all wrong.

Everyone knows how to talk, and no one knows what to say.

He's at the chocolate teapot end of the competency scale.

If it's not gripping you, you are reading the wrong book.

Men use music and football to fill up holes in their lives.

I'd thought I'd live with my wife, but I couldn't find one.

For alarmingly large chunks of an average day, I am a moron.

The plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone

It's not what you like but what you are like that's important.

Even bad times have good things in them to make you feel alive.

I'm very good at the past. It's the present I can't understand.

I write slowly. I can't move on until I've got a paragraph right.

Reciprocation was a pretty powerful stimulant to the imagination.

I'm really not a big rereader - I'm too aware of my own ignorance.

I really don't want to be boring, and so many books are so boring!

At a crude estimate, I must have played 'Thunder Road' 1,500 times.

The trouble with history is that there are too many people involved

With movies, it always feels like such a long shot getting it made.

I'm human. That's how humans spend their time, doing shitty things.

I'm quite gloomy. I just am one of those people, vaguely lugubrious.

Radio football is football reduced to its lowest common denominator.

You just have to smile and take it, otherwise it would drive you mad.

It's brilliant, being depressed; you can behave as badly as you like.

The easiest thing to write was 'Fever Pitch' because it was a memoir.

He has the personality of a child prodigy, but no discernable talent.

I think the things that are most intimate are nameless and shapeless.

But the internet had changed everything: nobody was forgotten anymore.

Typically, booksellers like to put things into neat little categories.

If you really wanted to mess me up, you should have got to me earlier.

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