Even in practice, me and Kobe get into it every day. I do my best to challenge him. He's still going to be Kobe, talking trash.

It's great for a coach to talk to you and let you know where you're at and not keeping you in the dark, like some coaches I know.

I don't like when people talk trash and then they get the W after and they feel like they did something. I don't like that feeling.

Me and Kobe are always going to talk trash and get into it. But when he talks trash to everybody else, some people tend to shy away.

I'm not too big on stylists. I find it fun just looking for myself, seeing if I can put things together. It's like a secondary hobby for me.

I don't have to go through life being mean or having a stern face just to play basketball. I enjoy the game and play it how I like to play it.

It builds character, it builds chemistry, when you're fighting amongst each other and able to brush it off and still talk and still have fun with each other.

I influence a lot of people with my hairstyle, with dressing up, but nobody will give me credit. I'm not afraid to take chances, I like to look good and I have a personality.

When they talk about you in trades or being let go, there's just so much negativity around, that's bad. But when you're doing good, and teams want you, they want to trade for you, that's good.

I get criticized for being me. I'm enjoying life, and people see it as me not being serious. Not taking the game seriously. You shouldn't hate somebody for being themselves, for enjoying themselves.

I believe L.A. made me, really raised me. I think about that all the time. If I was raised in New York, how would I be? Would my game be different? You know, I think about that a lot, if I was raised somewhere else.

Growing up in L.A., every kid wants to play for the Lakers. As a kid I went to their championship parades, bought a Kobe jersey - I went to the gym and made everybody call me Kobe - loved Shaq, loved the three-peat.

God, in a dream, talked to me, and he gave me that name. I'm like, 'you know what God? That is a funny name! I might need to run with it!' And ever since then, I've been calling myself Swaggy P. It's a household name.

You gotta have a Swaggy in 'Space Jam.' If you want to sell tickets, you got to have me. I can give them swag once they get their powers taken. They can come to me and I can be a sorcerer of Swag. I can hand it out to them and give them hope.

I was an 'SC guy growing up. I remember my high school coach asking everybody what college and he was shocked when I said I wanted to go to USC. It wasn't too far from us. There was something about 'SC. Everybody wanted to go to UCLA, but I was always an 'SC guy.

As a player, you model yourself after other players. Kobe takes the same approach as Michael Jordan. But I follow someone like Magic Johnson; he showed emotion, he smiled and jumped around, he was happy for his teammates. There needs to be more players like that.

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