Transparency concentrates minds.

Democratic debate must never end.

Brexit is so extraordinary in so many ways.

I'm not sure a pain-free Brexit is possible.

We make no apology for being bold and ambitious.

Sadly, Isis are extremely intolerant of homosexuality.

Life isn't black or white, it's all sorts of shades of grey.

One person's rebel is another person's freedom fighter, isn't it?

I won't pretend that being booted out the cabinet wasn't painful.

Conservative politics are about pragmatism, realism and stability.

I was a Thatcherite. But to be fair, I probably have changed my outlook.

Actions speak a whole lot louder than President Trump's words and tweets.

I'm a one-nation Conservative and that means exactly what it says on the tin.

Any negotiation involves compromise and no one will get everything they want.

Watching talented colleagues walking away from the Cabinet table is never easy.

Democracy is a precious thing and the rights of parliament are a precious thing.

At the end of the day, any political party wants to see an increase in membership.

We are trying to make sure the online world is as safe and secure as the offline world.

The honest truth in life is that you never appreciate what you've got until you've lost it.

Brexit isn't just about leaving the E.U. It's also about rebuilding trust with the electorate.

Children being groomed to travel abroad or disagree with British values could happen anywhere.

Accountability and value for money for taxpayers must be at the heart of how the BBC is funded.

Lord Ashcroft's 2005 report 'Smell the Coffee' made uncomfortable reading for the Conservatives.

I don't want to develop a reputation for being difficult about absolutely everything and everyone.

We have outstanding schools, world-class teaching and inspirational leadership across the country.

Visiting schools, I'm lucky enough to see the impact that education has in transforming young lives.

People say if you're being bullied don't go online. But we don't tell a women not to walk the streets.

It is vital to understand what voters expect from Brexit, especially given the lack of a leave manifesto.

It is not right that in 2019 the lives of too many of our people are still subject to a postcode lottery.

One of the golden rules of politics is that if your opponent is attacking you personally then they are rattled.

I don't subscribe to this view that the far-right is somehow in control of the Conservative party from top to toe.

As a lawyer I did various IPOs and I know the power of our listing rules and the respect that has around the world.

I didn't think I was the right person to do that job but I do think Michael Gove is and that's why I'm backing him.

Radicalisation or the risk of children being drawn into non violent extremism is a very real threat in this country.

I have concluded unequivocally that the right person is Michael Gove and I am delighted to be endorsing his candidacy.

It's clear that many migrant families really support their children and appreciate the transforming power of education.

I think honestly that Michael [Gove] came to this decision[Prime Minister candidate] very late, that he needed to step up.

Young people can sometimes use language either thoughtlessly or deliberately, particularly around the use of the word 'gay.'

When evaluating the suitability of a woman for a role, or using certain language in job advertisements, biases can creep in.

Leaving the E.U. with no deal means Britain would default to World Trade Organisation rules with our biggest trading partner.

I would like to talk more about education because I think these things absolutely do matter - education, NHS, public services.

We have got schools that can absolutely stand on their own two feet, and I think that's what we should be doing as Conservatives.

We need our national broadcasters to bring people together, to reflect our common values, and to showcase these values to the world.

I have said before I think it would be really good to have a woman in the final two but that's a matter for the parliamentary party.

I was a candidate in Loughborough in the 2005 election. I had a good result against the sitting Labour MP but not enough to unseat him.

I would argue that in terms of our country's international profile, Brexit is just as significant a development as any military engagement.

We need to encourage girls, while they are at school, to know that no career path is closed to them, and to take pride in having ambitions.

I totally support civil partnerships and that same-sex relationships are recognised in law. But marriage, to me, is between a man and a woman.

My husband's there full-time with our son so he's leading on that side of things. He's the one who has the homework battles Monday to Thursday.

I do understand that, having been a minister, there is difficulty putting stuff into legislation which is being negotiated. I quite understand.

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