I admire Obama.

I like Indian takeaway.

Glasgow is a great city.

I drove my mum and dad mad.

Twitter's probably my bad habit.

Scotland's voice has to be heard

Tory governments are bad for Scotland.

I consider myself a selfie specialist.

I think you should always aim for more.

I've not had a deliberate image makeover.

Scotland never voted for Margaret Thatcher.

The fact is Scottish Labour has lost its way.

I am a believer in people succeeding on merit.

I'll be arguing for Scotland to vote to stay in the E.U.

The importance of education is ingrained in Scottish history.

Many hard working people in low paid jobs get housing benefit.

I've got absolutely no desire or intention of damaging England.

I don't cook very often. Actually, I'd go further: I can't cook.

Do I look like one of the most dangerous women in Britain? Come on!

I'm not going to do anything that sees a Tory government be likely.

I'm a politician, and as you know, politicians are rarely very funny.

A minority government can't govern without support from other parties.

My early years as a political activist were dominated by the poll tax.

True gender equality in Scotland - and elsewhere - is still some way off.

A good education is the most important gift we can give our young people.

When I was growing up, I was lucky to benefit from a first class education.

Voting Labour in the past hasn't protected Scotland against Tory governments.

The Scottish Government will continue to do all it can to get people into work.

People in Scotland don't take too kindly to being lectured by a Tory Chancellor.

For parents - women in particular - good quality, affordable childcare is vital.

There can be no greater privilege in life than to be chosen to lead your country.

U.K. welfare cuts are pushing more children into poverty; that is beyond dispute.

Some of the brightest and best women in our society are stifled in their ambitions.

The decision on whether there is another referendum is down to the Scottish people.

The teachers who taught me at Dreghorn Primary and Greenwood Academy were fantastic.

I am quite hot-headed; I am quite impulsive. Fortunately, it doesn't last very long.

If Scotland was independent, we'd be the 14th richest country in the developed world.

I bow to no one in my ambition to see Glasgow be as successful as it possibly can be.

I think the Tories are doing - and are intent on doing - damage to things I hold dear.

Clearly, any issues about breaching of expenses rules should be properly investigated.

Parties that win elections should form the government, not parties that lose elections.

Men - the colour of their tie is the most difficult decision they have to make every day.

Poverty is on the increase - due to welfare cuts - and demand for food banks has rocketed.

The U.K. government sets a cap on how much can be spent on discretionary housing payments.

As a veteran of many campaigns, I know how important it is not let up in the last few days.

It's not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it's votes in ballot boxes.

I know you've got to earn people's trust, and you've got to earn it day after day after day.

Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. I hated everything she stood for.

I am privileged to count many Muslims among my friends - some are amongst my closest friends.

One of Ed Miliband's shadow ministers has said he would never vote for the renewal of Trident.

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