My idol was Jennifer Lopez.

I am so excited to be an aunt.

That's all I can be is fearless.

I'm the Princess of The Authority.

I truly feel like I'm a living Wonder Woman.

I will admit, the dominatrix look has won me over!

I have a slight herniation above where I had surgery.

My goal is to have the best Divas reign in Divas history.

There is nothing better than working out with your loved one.

Believing in yourself and having confidence gives you outer strength.

I like the definition in someone's shoulders and arms. It's beautiful.

That wrestling ring is home for me; it's my passion. I love what I do.

The Authority has the power to turn everyone against me, and they have.

When you've got curves - you need to show them, and I love showing mine!

I do everything in moderation and count everything... that includes my wine.

Naturally, Brie and I bicker, like, every 10 minutes about everything in life.

I'm very easy to impersonate. From the look to the personality, I'm like, wow.

My nana is elegant, classy, and the most amazing woman that has ever walked this earth.

I do not want my man to be exhausted for our wedding day, especially our wedding night.

Support systems and support groups are so important because that's what makes you stronger.

To me, nothing is more fun than being in that ring. That ring is just my heart; it's my passion.

I'm so proud, from the food to the women to the curves. I just need to learn a little more espanol.

Any female of any age, anyone sitting on that couch, is going to relate to some Bella family member.

I am with a very successful man, and the crazy thing is people think that it makes my career easier.

I'm not just muscles and headlocks. I need to prove to people that there is an elegant woman in here.

I'm a pleaser, but it's not a good thing because you forget about pleasing yourself at the end of the day.

Reality TV is a lot about drama, but for the first time in a long time, you actually have role models on TV.

To me, it's disheartening when you have someone take away everything you've done as a woman because of a man.

I see traits of my body in my mother and grandmother, and it makes me proud. This shape isn't going anywhere.

I've been an athlete and competitor my whole life, and there's nothing more that I get off on than competition.

When you have such a love and passion for wrestling and you love to work, you want to get in with good workers.

I want to be challenged every week; I want to know that my title is on the line, and I have to fight to keep it.

When you're succeeding, and you're doing something right... As I've got haters, I know I'm doing something right.

I can't tell you how proud I am of all the Total Divas and just how excited I am about how well the show is doing.

When I saw Kate Moss's champagne tower from her wedding, I was like, 'Okay, check - I want that. I want fireworks.'

I was maturing in a way that all my friends weren't. How is it that I'm 10, and I look 15, and all my friends don't?

To film with our family is awesome - you have to hang out with each other, and I love that because I hate being alone.

It's crazy what can happen in a decade and how much you can grow as a person and as a woman and truly find your voice.

My first nephew, he couldn't say Auntie Nicole, so he called me Coco. So ever since then, everyone's called me 'Coco.'

I have to say I have an amazing therapist. She's my best friend for life. She's taught me how to balance everything out.

I didn't want to come back and be mediocre; I wanted to hang in with the girls, and I wanted to prove myself every week.

When someone thinks they're good at something, you can use it against them, and that's what we did. We did the kiss of death.

The one thing I've said before, the one thing that I've been taught is that when you fall, you get right back up. And I'm up.

I never would have thought, when I was 23 and first stepped foot in that ring, that it would give me a platform to use my voice.

If we can continue to tell stories where fans don't know what will happen next, I think that will be a plus in this 'Divas Revolution.'

I can't tell you how many guys have approached me when I'm doing cardio. Like, I have my headphones on; I'm in the zone, so don't bother me.

I think my mom is kind of this way, too. We're just such strong women. My mom's been through so much, so I think that's where I got it from.

We fell in love with wrestling, and then we really wanted to break barriers, and we now get to do that because that's evolved beyond the ring.

I think any time you hear that you're about to paralyze yourself, or even worse, it's just scary because you start to realize how precious life is.

I know that with my spinal condition I can never be full time again - I just can't do that, but I do wanna be full time, and I don't want to retire.

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