Deal with yourself as a individual, worthy of respect and make ...

Deal with yourself as a individual, worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.

If you don't understand yourself you don't understand anybody else.

If you don't understand yourself you don't understand anybody else.

It is not who you attend school with but who controls the school you ...

It is not who you attend school with but who controls the school you attend.

I always like summer best

Black love is black wealth

War is not a jobs program.

Death is a slave's freedom.

The future is in good hands. our dreams.

I appreciate and enjoy my age.

Who I really am keeps surprising me.

Who I am really keeps surprising me.

I am so hip even my errors are correct

Sacred cows make very poor gladiators.

You're only as good as your last book.

I'm just totally fascinated by people.

I don't have a life-style, I have a life.

Rage is to writers what water is to fish.

Life is a marvelous, transitory adventure.

School should be eleven months of the year.

We love because it's the only true adventure.

All systems require myths for their longevity.

You must be unintimidated by your own thoughts.

Schools should be integrated by race and by class.

Hip-hop is a cultural expression - it's embracing.

I think speeches and fruit should always be fresh.

The unwillingness to try is worse than any failure.

I spend a lot of time learning about bird watching.

i hope i die warmed by the life that i tried to live

If you're a writer, the answer to everything is yes.

There are things you stand up for because it’s right.

There are things you stand up for because it's right.

She knows who she is, because she knows who she isn't.

We are less lonely when we connect. Art is connection.

Floating to shore...riding a low moon...on a slow cloud.

Black Poetry is not for Black is for everybody

Once you know who you are, you don't have to worry anymore.

We are better than we think and not yet what we want to be.

For most of my life, I've thought of myself as pretty cool.

The nature of tragedy and accident is that we cannot predict.

Art is not for the cultivated taste. It is to cultivate taste.

We obviously need the truth. We're living in a country of lies.

I move on feeling and have learned to distrust those who don't.

We eat up artists like there's going to be a famine at the end.

I'm an old storyteller. I tell the story. It's about the story.

In the name of peace They waged the wars ain't they got no shame

You must invent your own games and teach us old ones how to play.

There are some things we do simply because the doing is a success.

School buildings should be opened and used twenty four hours a day.

White people really deal more with God and black people with Jesus.

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