If, as Bayern, you lose 2-0 at Hertha, nobody believes you that you can still be satisfied with the performance.

We want to chase and seal the championship title. The decisive thing is to be at the top at the end of the season.

You can't manage every footballer the same. Of course you'd love to, but it doesn't work like that. We're not robots.

Everyone wants to score goals - that's the point of football - but you have to look at the whole situation in detail.

Real Madrid without Cristiano Ronaldo are, of course, not what they were with Ronaldo, but they're still a very good team.

The money's there in England. They try to gather the best players. We do it differently here at Bayern. We have no investors, no owners.

Expectations run immensely high in Croatia. We may only be a small country, but people expect us to be our best at every major tournament.

Just because a coach does not get out the clubs after a match but instead focuses on what he says, that's not an indicator of cluelessness.

If the family sticks together, things are easy. If not, it will fall apart. There are several examples in history. Take Troy or take Caesar.

You have to stick to your plan. Throwing everything overboard and inventing something on the spot does not make sense. You will never get that from me.

You have seen it: You can put something into the world, and all of a sudden, everybody believes that. Like throwing a fishing rod and the fish bite into.

The expectation in Munich is always high, this expectation I have towards myself personally and to my players. I was aware of that when I signed with Bayern.

For the players, these top, top, top games or these top, top, top events - like a World Cup or a European Championship - are not common but, of course, something special.

If you stick to what the Bible teaches, then you have everything you need: honesty, openness, friendliness, respect, tolerance, and much more, which is often lost nowadays.

It's all about togetherness and to pay the other the necessary respect. If you do that, then we all would feel better. It is not always a taking but also a giving in both directions.

If research can help us discover cures for diseases, it surely can improve a football team. Whether it's data analysis or biomechanics, it can give you an edge - and I'd be a fool if I didn't want that edge.

Of course, the attacking players get the attention because they score the goals, score nice goals, and those are the moments that remain in memory. But I wish that other players who are not in the foreground, who still perform well for their club or association, get more recognition.

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