I will be the defence minister round-the-clock.

Free trade agreements are never for one sector alone.

Bilaterals are like building blocks for multilaterals.

I understand that the rupee is fairly market determined.

Obviously, defence is very sensitive and very challenging ministry.

There is something different between defence deal and deal in defence.

Nobody has a right to call me or the prime minister a thief and a liar.

Our manufacturing in India has grown with a lot of indigenous strength.

The government doesn't go about refuting everything that floats around.

It is the duty of the Defence Ministry and the forces to keep India safe.

DRDO should introspect to make themselves more nimble towards innovation.

The BJP does not intend to use Parliament to project Congress's corruption.

Shouldn't India, too, like other countries, protect its national interests?

We value our relationship with U.S.A. and are engaged with them at various levels.

There are several areas where the border is not completely defined and demarcated.

The strategy of any party would be to see how best it can defeat the party in power.

Post globalisation, the debate has been, 'How much more are we going to liberalise?'

France has been maintaining a very special relationship with India on defence matters.

We look at gold from the view of the Indian market, which loves to buy more and more gold.

Delhi was not completely a new place for me, but as a political worker, it was a new place.

The narrative related to economics is, I think, very well understood even by the common man.

It's one thing to get the money apportioned in the budget; the other is to utilise it completely.

WTO is the only multilateral system in which developed and developing countries sit together at par.

Most of the expressions we use in economics are relative terms. All of us are votaries of free trade.

A new procurement policy had to be brought in 2016. Subsequent to it, procurement has gone up rapidly.

We are a party which believes that we work in the national interest, not just to please my opposition.

It's only under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership that the country can foresee a bright future.

It will be a priority for me to ensure the smooth and speedy implementation of defence deals and projects.

The language of any joint statement between two countries is mulled over many times before it becomes final.

The Rafale deal narrative that the Congress is setting is a propaganda that has international ramifications.

We should be proud of the soldiers who laid down their lives for our motherland. We should be proud of them.

You can't hold the armed forces responsible for being firm with terrorists. We need to be firm with terrorists.

Unlike some of our neighbours, India does not believe in dirty bombs. We take non-proliferation very seriously.

The government's intention is to function, to have debates in Parliament, and to work in the interest of the people.

In defence, 'Make in India' is happening in a big way, and it is not happening without orders coming from the ministry.

PM Modi's belief in Direct Benefit Transfer was force enough to give the necessary impetus for its efficient implementation.

Bringing in timely laws that are the need of the hour requires nimbleness to get through the necessary legislative processes.

With South East Asian nations, ASEAN countries, with some of them, we do have defence cooperation, and we continue with them.

If exporters are looking at various factors which influence the performance, the fluctuating rupee will certainly be a factor.

Issues related to investor-state disputes are a matter of serious concern. It is something which we have to apply our minds to.

A border is a border. I have to be conscious of both my borders. I will also have be conscious of my sea. It is less talked about.

We want to ensure that food is traded better, farmers get a better price, and consumers are able to access it at affordable prices.

Every year, I have given Rs 20,000 crore worth of projects to HAL. But the previous UPA government gave just Rs 10,000 crore projects.

For a country like India, which, unlike China, has domestic market for which manufacturing happens, manufacturing also happens for export.

I don't think I have suffered for want of being a Cabinet minister. I don't have a Cabinet minister to whom I report. I report directly to the Prime Minister.

In a multi-party democracy, many issues which you want - or do not want - will be raised. It is for us to make it relevant or not so relevant with our answers.

Having witnessed first-hand the prowess of the Western Fleet, I am confident that the Indian Navy is fully capable of defending the nation against any form of threat.

Even during negotiation with HAL, Dassault felt that the cost with which the HAL will produce will be far higher than the aircraft produced in France. That was the reality.

We want our exports to perform better. We want more exports. We want to reach out to more countries selling our products, and for that, a weaker rupee will be anytime better.

I would love to help the textile sector, but at the same time, a big red flag is held by the automotive parts and automotive sector. They don't want to open up to the European Union.

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