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Pizza makes me throw up!

I love writing sad songs.

I always like a baggy pant.

I'm at the barn six days a week.

My dad is my biggest musical inspiration.

Everyone is super creative in the family.

I've had every colour hair you can think of.

I almost got my babysitter arrested when I was 7.

It's OK to be different, and it's OK to not follow.

There were so many nerves with putting out new music.

Lunchtime is hard when you don't have a lot of friends.

I definitely like making my friends in the music industry.

I've worked with PETA on freeing elephants from the circus.

My style changes once a month, if not once every two weeks.

You should do the sound that you want and not what others want.

I don't feel pressure at all. I'm kind of a 'go with the flow.'

Lady Gaga is my big fashion inspiration. I look up to her a lot.

That's my dream - to play Coachella... not as a guest but as me!

Falling in front of an audience - that's, like, my biggest fear.

I just want people to know it's OK to really feel their feelings.

I write about so much personal stuff, it's like reading my diary.

I was riding every single day. I home-schooled because of horses.

I didn't want to do anything but ride horses until I was, like, 15.

We wrap ourselves up in social media and fame and forget what matters.

I wouldn't say I'm a rebel, but I do like pushing the limits sometimes.

My sister Miley really inspires me because she's all about being herself.

Every time I finish a song, I play it for my family. I don't hide anything.

When I met Justin Bieber, I could barely speak. I was just going crazy inside.

The first song I wrote was for my friend. She was going through a really tough time.

I wanted to be a horseback-riding trainer and to go to the Olympics as an equestrian.

My songwriting is personal in the hope that listeners will know that I relate to them.

My family has never put pressure on me. They've always been supportive no matter what.

My music has given me a confidence I wouldn't have had if I had gone a different route.

I've experienced cyberbullying my entire life due to just having a last name that people knew.

Guys are awesome, but I vote for going to prom with a group of friends. It's so much less drama.

Anything that's really made an impact on my life, I want to get in the studio and write about it.

My grandma is very musical and can play piano by ear, and my grandpa was in a quartet in Kentucky.

I don't know if I would compare my sound to anyone because I like to think that my music is my music.

They say your taste palate changes every seven years, so maybe your personality changes every five, you know?

Because I love all animals so much, people should realize they don't have to cut into something to learn about it.

I had trouble getting jeans when I was growing up. I had little skinny legs and this booty that came out of nowhere.

People look up to me, like my music, and even follow me on Instagram because they know I'm keeping it real with them.

If I could borrow anything from Miley, it would be her stage confidence. For me, that's just going to come with time.

I was so excited to do 'Slow' with Matoma. The song is lyrically so beautiful, and the production brings it all to life.

Writing is the best way to get your mind clear. It's also a great way to explain your past or what you hope for the future.

There's one thing my dad taught me: don't talk about politics, because you'll never make anyone happy. Don't even go for it.

You should always speak up. That's what I like to teach my fans - to be real and speak up for things you're passionate about.

My dad always had me sing alongside him while he played guitar. He taught me how to harmonize to an old song of his, 'Missing You.'

I wanted people to connect to me on that level where I can write about anything, but it would still make someone feel a certain way.

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