The trick to playing Steve Jobs? I don't know.

It's weird, I actually like doing interviews now.

I make a point of not logging into websites that give spoilers.

Boy, oh, boy, people get jaded fast. I got nominated for an Emmy.

Ever since I gave up therapy, it's my only time with a captive audience.

A cameo in 'Doctor Who' would be kind of cool to have on my filmography.

'The Librarians' fills a vacuum, providing true family programming for TNT.

I think when you are named Noah, you are destined for a certain way of life.

I'm a huge history buff. It was no hardship to read history textbooks for homework.

To be sandwiched between Jane Curtin and Bob Newhart for a couple weeks is phenomenal.

I'm a guy who never wanted to hold a steady job, because I was worried about the monotony.

If I didn't have a family, I don't know that I would never not be in a hotel room working.

After having played serious drama for so long, I needed to scratch the itch of versatility.

'Falling Skies' was mostly night work in winter in Toronto. It was cold and wet, and we were filthy.

I grew up on all the 'Star Wars' movies and 'Star Trek' and all that. I just haven't really kept current.

It's weird, I actually like doing interviews now. Ever since I gave up therapy, it's my only time with a captive audience.

I'm thinking about naming my first son Emmy so I can say I've got one. I want Emmy, Oscar and Tony - and my daughter Grammy.

My mother was an orthopedic nurse for 20 years, and she forbade all of us children to ever get on a motorcycle, and we listened.

When I got to sit in Big Bird's nest with Big Bird and sing the song, 'Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud,' that was my crowning achievement.

I had apprehensions of playing Jobs in 'Pirates of Silicon Valley.' TNT was really excited about me taking the part, but I had worries I usually didn't have as an actor.

If this were a [Hollywood] studio film, I wouldn't have pushed my father into a table, I would have beat him up. My father wouldn't have kissed my girlfriend; he would have raped her.

I find directing so incredibly rewarding and challenging and humbling and exciting and engaging. Scenes become challenging. Actors bring out the best of you. Circumstances demand you dig deep.

Going forward, I have four different ways of approaching what I want to do - I can generate my own material by writing. I can produce, direct, act, or do a combination of these things, mixing it up.

With any project, but especially in television, I always try to look at where the character is starting from and where he's going to end up, and try to find the biggest arc that makes it the most exciting to play.

When I was in high school, I wrote a play that I sent off to a competition that took second place. I got a check for a hundred dollars. I never cashed it, because obviously it was worth way more than a hundred dollars.

Any time I go to a hospital, the doctors treat me like an equal, and I'm terrified I'll be in the delivery room, and the doctor will say, 'Noah. Noah, why don't you get a hand in here?' and I'll pass out or throw up and be horribly embarrassed.

So many times in television, you get cancelled arbitrarily as a result of your ratings in the off season, and you don't have an opportunity to really script your ending, which can leave it an unsatisfying situation for both participants and the audience.

'The Librarians' is a show that really needs to have ten days, but we shoot it in seven, so the workload is really tremendous, and we don't really quite have the budget to really give it the production value that it deserves, so we try to be as resourceful as we can.

'ER' was an all-consuming universe, but I don't have a single regret. It gave me some of the greatest friendships I have and afforded me one of the rarest commodities in an actor's life, which is the financial security to pick and choose jobs for factors besides the paycheck.

I remember somebody asking me in an interview years ago if I would be interested in playing Jason Bourne. I laughed: I didn't think anybody would want to see me run around with a machine gun. It always stayed in the back of my head that I had reacted like that. It bothered me.

Science fiction, in its purest form, for me, it works the best when it's being used as metaphor to look at something from a one-step-removed process, to give a little objectivity and insight into something that, if you were applying it on the face of it, we'd all be too close to.

I was not necessarily the best student. I was not necessarily the favourite kid. I wasn't necessarily the most responsible or the most ambitious, and suddenly, when you get given celebrity, you get anointed with all these lovely qualities that you don't have, necessarily, but everyone assumes you must because you're successful.

Our family holidays always include our animals. On Thanksgiving, we love to walk around our farm and visit with our rescued pigs, goats, horses, emus and many other rescued animals. We give them all special vegetables that day, and the whole family enjoys a vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner. We know that the animals are giving thanks that day, and we are also giving thanks for the joy they bring to our lives.

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