At ten I was bright.

I was never arrogant.

I always have a giggle.

Life without hope is no life.

I worked for the BBC for 30 years.

Please be kind, don't be judgemental.

I don't care if someone calls me names.

I used to be very frightened of failure.

I know I'm not smarter than a 10-year-old.

I do a form of meditation every day anyway.

I'm the last person to claim that I'm sane.

The majority of business people are sheeple.

Mentally, I am quite good at self discipline.

I like my garden. It sounds boring, but it's not.

I've met so many politicians I absolutely despise.

I didn't find Saturday night television difficult.

Reality shows have caused fatigue amongst the public.

Believe it or not, I'm actually quite a private person.

Too many people take the living experience too seriously.

There isn't such a thing as death. It's just a departure.

I don't have a TV licence. I don't watch except on catch-up.

If I'm demanding and have high standards, I'm happy about that.

I have business interests in Dubai, Monaco and all over the world.

I think too many people take life too seriously. I'm having a ball!

I'm a big fan of Ant and Dec, I think they're excellent presenters.

I have delivered lambs, calves and foals on our farms over the years.

As an only child to be there when your parents say goodbye, that's tough.

You don't just stop believing in something because it doesn't always work.

I've seen 'X Factor' but I don't watch it. I don't watch 'Takeaway' either.

The biggest problem we have is not Ebola, it's not AIDS, it's electro smog.

I use my experience to comfort and support others for whom life has no hope.

I'm very sensitive to criticism, particularly when it's very, very personal.

I haven't got a problem with sheeple calling me crazy. What's sane? What is crazy?

Water can communicate. It's communicating with us, it's communicating with other water.

There is a theme to my broadcasting career - I've never done anything just for the money.

Our politicians want to keep us in a negative state because they can easily manipulate us.

Judging by the number of things I get asked to do I don't think the public are sick of me.

If people think I am a failure because I am not on telly every day, that is their problem.

I'm very proud that on my passport it says: 'broadcaster,' and that's what I see myself as.

What's the point of life if we can't be positive, have fun and make the world a better place?

I spent a lot of Saturday night on BBC television, being chased around by yellow rubber balls.

I came from an era when I was so proud to be working for the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Our future is in our hands and we must stop looking to politicians to fix matters - they can't.

Only those who've presented live television really know how difficult it is to make it look easy.

When I tell people in England my show is going on at midnight, they look at you like you're crazy.

For me, broadcasting is a job and I've only ever seen it as a job. I turn up, do the job and go home.

I believe pulsed electromagnetism has a role to play in tackling cancer and I will always believe that.

Contrary to the image of a neurotic man created in some quarters, I feel very much at peace with myself.

Is there a bigger hypocrite than Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the CEO of 'Lords Bank?'

Whether you call it meditation, self-reflection or just shutting everything out, I am quite good at that.

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