Golf is a good time, valued time.

I love watching the Premier League.

As a kid, Liverpool was big for us.

When you win, you want to repeat it.

I consider myself a happy person, yes.

There is no point staying on the past.

Representing your country is what you want.

I learned a lot from the coaches I played for.

When you sign a contract, you must respect that.

To be called up to the national team is what you want.

If somebody asks for a photo, with a smile, it is nothing.

It is what we are here for - to give the fans magic moments.

Our ambition is to win every game regardless of the opponent.

Life is continually changing. This is what makes people better.

Sometimes a polemic tweeter is more important than a normal view.

I have this absurd feeling that I can win every game with any team.

I am not obsessed about making an impression on the Premier League.

All I do is challenge the players to push themselves to their limit.

How are you supposed to communicate on the pitch when you don't off it?

I know that if I have come to Britain, I must adapt, and I will try to.

My interpretation of football is to stay humble, work hard, and things will come.

What sells more, criticism or compliments? What do people like more? They enjoy blood.

The first introduction I had with English football was in the FA Cup in the early '80s.

You have to be ready for anything and everything and accept everything the way things are.

Of course you learn a lot as a player when you pay attention to managers when they speak to you.

Every team and club has its own personal goals and objectives, and I'm only concerned about mine.

One of the things that is most difficult for a manager is reversing bad results and keeping going.

We must believe we can score in every moment - at the beginning, the middle, and the end of the game.

I was a goalkeeper, but through my career, I spent almost as much time sitting on the bench as I did playing.

When you try to build an identity based on one idea, the easy part is to stick with the good things that you do.

It's very hard to rank performances. It's very difficult, and it doesn't really matter if you rank performances.

Even when you are not having the ball, you have to stay consistent, organised, and that's what keeps you in the game.

The barrier of communication is terrible if you don't speak the language. You cannot reach a player with a translator.

I was late, as a player, many times. If you have bad traffic, what are you doing to do? Make a miracle? Sometimes it happens.

I want to thank everybody for every day that I have spent at Valencia CF. It has been an honour and a source of pride for me.

Knowing that the teams in front of us are sometimes better than you, you have to recognise that and be humble. It's part of the game.

The beginning of everything is our defensive organisation. The clean sheet is always the first objective that we have in the game. Always.

Football is a passionate game, and the emotions are intense. As long you respect the people around you, I don't see any problem with that.

All coaches say, 'We want to control the game. We want the ball. Blah, blah, blah, blah,' but it's impossible to have the ball all the time.

I truly believe you have to take things as they come, win or lose, and keep believing in how you want to do things and how you want to play.

When you realise that the ball is faster than you, you say to yourself, 'OK, I love the game. I want to go on in this game, but not as a player.'

When you have a small, balanced squad, you can work better. First of all everyone is involved in every squad list, a meeting can be a good training session.

In Portugal, seeing a black cat is a bad sign; it's bad luck. But they tell me if it crosses from left to right, it's good luck. But I don't like black cats!

You cannot have a situation where you think that if you want to attack, then you play this formation, and if you want to defend, then you play this formation.

What you have to become is really strong in what you do. That's the point of building a team. You don't know any other way - it would be absurd to do it any other way.

At Porto, under Jose Mourinho, we won everything with a fantastic group of football players. Mourinho built that. He made us succeed, won everything. This has a big impact.

We work on our set pieces for every opponent. It's a moment of the game that requires a lot of hard work, defensive and offensively. We try to invest our time in set pieces.

Time is always important; sometimes time doesn't always go along with patience. It is always important. You have to deal with it. It's part of football. Every decision is judged.

I try to distract with other things, but in my mind, it is always the game, especially the team, the shape, my players, what can I do, what is tomorrow, what can I give to them to improve them.

People say that the most difficult part is scoring the goal. But what I have to do is get the player there. If you focus on the goal instead of the how, then suddenly the chances start to decrease.

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