I have experienced loss in my life, but the thing that brings you back is your faith.

I am an advocate of education. It is the panacea for all that ails us in our society.

I'm not a fan of 'Gone With the Wind.' I didn't like the movie. I didn't like the book.

When you give kids the tools necessary to change their destiny, it's really empowering.

There are so many more women and men who deserve opportunities. People of color. Period.

What's not fair is having the responsibility of a supervisor but not the title or the pay.

It was never easy being Cicely Tyson. And it will not be easy being Octavia or Viola Davis.

Let's just say that I have a tendency if I am uncomfortable in a situation to speak my mind.

You never write a speech in advance because if you don't get to use it, you'll be heartbroken.

I'm excited that I get to do what I love, and I'm benefiting through projects that speak to me.

I really believe things happen as they're supposed to and in the time that they're supposed to.

I'm thrilled I got to work with James Ponsoldt, who is going to make his mark on this industry.

People want to see something that isn't necessarily somebody walking around in a superhero costume.

I will live in TV Land watching 'Columbo.' I also like my 'Forensic Files,' all of that true crime.

My job as an artist is to present the material. My job as a woman is to receive from it what I need.

I'm dyslexic, and it takes me longer to memorize and to embody the character so I can really own it.

I've seen too many sunrises, as far as the walk of shame, staying out too late doing very bad things.

If more women ate, they would be a lot happier. Let me tell you, I am a lot grumpier when I don't eat.

Because we all come from different circumstances, our life experiences really color how we view things.

Where I'm from, you learned about God before you learned to read and write. Our faith is what grounds us.

I'm probably the most militant person you'll ever meet and I speak my mind without provocation sometimes.

I prefer doing interviews where people don't have to interpret what you say. I'm going to be real honest.

One thing I've learned is be comfortable in your skin, and more importantly, be comfortable in your shoes.

The mentality of how we treat one another needs to be examined - especially how we treat our men of color.

There are moments where you stop living, if you stop changing, and if you stop seeking growth of some sort.

I have tried every diet to lose weight. When you restrict yourself, you're setting yourself up for failure.

I just know that the one thing that we all have in common is challenges. No one lives a challenge free life.

I think the paradigm is shifting with regard to women and what we bring to the industry. I feel very blessed.

If you are unhealthy, start by making small changes to become healthier. You are unique, beautiful, and worthy.

I'm an Oscar nominee. I love saying that. Whatever happens, I'm going to sing that 'I'm an Oscar nominee' part.

As an actor, you don't become Meryl Streep by doing the same type of comedy. You get there by being challenged.

I hate to tell people what they should think 'cause I really have an aversion when people tell me what to think.

What's so great about DreamWorks is that it's run by filmmakers who believe that if it's not broke, don't fix it.

The first time I saw E.T., the actual image of an alien, and he was so sweet-looking. I wanted him. I wanted E.T.

If a great role comes along, and you are too tall to play it, then I think the role is too small for your talents.

If you go through life and you don't find the beauty in an unexpected place, then you really have a sad existence.

I'm glad that I get to take my final walk as the princess of 2012. ...there's nothing wrong with winning an Oscar!

If you go through life, and you don't find the beauty in an unexpected place, then you really have a sad existence.

My mom always told me I could do or be anything I dared to dream, and I always wanted to work in the movie industry.

People want to see more diversity. That's why you have the Kevin Hart making $17 million dollars on a holiday weekend.

Needless to say, I would have loved to have been a black belt instead of actually just wearing one to hold up my pants!

I didn't realize that diets don't work, and I did not want to diet. I didn't want to do anything that required dieting.

There is racism all over the United States. Most Southerners I know, we definitely find ourselves defending our heritage.

The college years are when you sow all your wild oats and become a vampire. By 40, you've lived it up. At least, you hope.

You can't be from Montgomery, Alabama, and not have a background in the church. It's at the core of who we are as a people.

Angry or not. It's a human emotion. But you can't walk around being angry all the time. What a dull person you'd have to be!

I hope that in some way that I can be some sort of beacon of hope, especially because I am not the typical Hollywood beauty.

I am not trying to conform to an unrealistic model of beauty. I am, however, being proactive in being the healthiest I can be.

I'm one of those people if you ask, 'What's your favourite song?' I'm going to give you five. I don't have just one favourite.

I'm not trying to be a different weight. I want to be a different body type so that I'm not an apple. I just want to be a pear!

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