The higher I get the lower I sink.

It's getting harder just to feel alive.

Vegetarians are hotter then meat eaters.

It gets really dark before it gets light.

Everything I loved became everything I've lost.

I can't drown my demons. They know how to swim.

You can be a nice guy that wants to kill himself.

Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night.

Every girl is beautiful, it's society that's ugly.

You are so much better than a STUPID piece of metal.

The only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear.

The only person to blame is the person making up the bullshit.

I used to feel like I was drowning. So I stopped trying to swim.

I don't think anyone really knows the purpose of their existence.

I think I had to see how bad it could really be to want to live again.

I just never really thought there could be something worse than death.

I think the fakest thing in the world is to judge someone on how they look.

You can't always tell when someone's keeping something inside and not really happy.

For a moment you forget how much the loss hurts. Then you remember and it buries you.

Once you've been painted as something it's very hard, especially when you're young, to wash that off.

It's quite an easy way to write a concept album about love. Everything boils down to love in the end.

To be honest, I don't really like arenas. It's not easy to make the sound good, or to perform in them.

What puts people off metal is they think it's all nutters and blood. We don't want to be seen that way.

With rock and metal, I think a lot of people connect with the lyrics because they feel like they don't fit in.

The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was when I was wearing a hair extension and it fell out on set.

Go back in time. Next question go and look at dinosaurs. I would be sitting on a rock looking at a T- Rex, loving life.

Arctic Monkeys are actually one of my favourite bands going, which is really weird cos I went to school and college with them.

Happy Song' is a sarcastic open letter to the world about how we use superficial and trivial things to ignore the real problems.

We try so hard to block out negative or dark thoughts, but sometimes embracing your demons is the most vitalizing thing you can do.

I write the lyrics based on what is going on in my life - I'm not going to write about the old hair metal stuff, like castles and stuff.

Some people lose a whole world to grief sometimes, while others just don't grieve. Sometimes we're just too scared to face our emotions.

I must have been about 13 when I first heard Linkin Park and, to be honest, music had never played that much of a part in my life to that point.

You can compromise on anything else in your life but love. It's the one time where under no circumstances should you let yourself have second rate.

You could have the thickest skin but Instagram and Twitter still affect you. It makes you envious, even if you've got everything you could ever want.

You just want so badly to be the best version of what people are saying, you want to look like the covers you're on, but it's hard to do that everyday.

My thing is when people come up and say to me good set tonight and I say you too and then you find out that person is not in any band. Happens to me a lot.

I like how our records go from super poppy to heavy then electronic, and next I'd like to make a bunch of records where each of them has a distinct vibe to it.

We tour the world and my carbon footprint is massive. I feel like it's my responsibility to do something - not just to offset it but to help make a difference.

I think EDM and metal and rock have been together already for a long time. Bands like Nine Inch Nails, Linkin Park, the Prodigy - they all have influences from both.

We need to be our own heroes. We need a new way of looking at things. Greta Thunberg has shown us that. It's crazy, but this kid has proven that we can be our own leaders.

Your favourite songs by your favourite bands are never the singles. It's when they've done exactly what they wanted without any compromise and not worried about the reaction.

I was extremely unpopular at school. Once the hardest kid in school beat me up and there was a plan for about 30 other kids to kick me in the face once I was down. Good times!

You have to ration your creativity over all your songs. You write a really cool pop song then you have to write a heavy song to balance out, then you need to think about singles.

Emotion is a full range of a spectrum, like colours. It's not just anger. How are you going to get that out with just a guitar and screaming? You need to explore everything else.

I've been a vegan and a vegetarian for 15 years and I've always just quietly kept and values and my beliefs to myself. I didn't want to preach or be outspoken about all these things.

The key to me recovering from drug addiction was figuring out why I was so upset and why I hated myself so much. I realised it was all to do with the way I was viewed by other people.

When I was 17, death metal and extreme hardcore was the best music in the world to me. But as I got older, my palette changed and my thirst for melody and emotion just got bigger and bigger.

The guitar shouldn't be a main instrument, it should be a texture. It shouldn't be important whether it's there or not. If it's important to you whether a guitar is there or not, you're weird.

Artists can be the most powerful people in the world because they can use their voice for good. Politicians should be the most powerful people in the world but they aren't going to do anything.

When it comes to the grieving process, we all try to ignore that feeling - but it's important to grieve. Even if something's happened for the best, you need to take that moment to feel something.

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