Every day is a blessing.

I have to have coffee in the morning.

I want a gentleman. Someone with manners.

Beauty is found in the way you treat others.

This is a free country, and to each their own.

Well I love preppy style; I like J. Crew for guys.

I love music. I still play cello a few times a week.

I was taught to value hard work. At the end of day, I'm just Olivia.

There is no ideal body. It's just taking what you have and working it.

Heartbreak is hard, but you find more and more things to be grateful for every day.

Ryan Gosling's, like, my crush, but I don't really pay attention to his personal style.

I wash my face day and night. I actually really love Dr. Lancer face wash, and I also love Neutrogena.

I do want to finish my education. I just don't think that Boston has a big enough market for what I want to do.

I'm still really interested in acting, I love film so much. It's definitely something I'm going to explore as well.

You're filmed that one very special day of the pageant, and you want to make sure you're as ready to go as you can be.

The whole process of winning the pageant has been so amazing, I'm really excited to move forward into all kinds of projects.

The show I'm obsessed with watching is 'Say Yes to the Dress!' Because I love the whole makeover idea, and I'm a sap for love, of course.

I tried putting teabags under my eyes because they say that the green tea - the caffeine - will help with under-eye bags and moisture. It worked! That's a new tip.

I love Evian face spray because it's a really easy way to just freshen up your face, especially if you're traveling on an airplane - I get really dry on airplanes.

I think the pageant system is about empowering women. I think that aspect of it is great, but when you take parents who are forcing their children to do anything, I don't think it's healthy.

I learned the importance of being confident. I think that at the end of the day, it's not so much about what you look like - it's really about the way that you feel. That resonates with people.

I love unsalted almonds, especially if I'm about to do a photo shoot or compete. There's no mess, and they're so easy to pack in a little Ziploc bag to take with you. It's my number one go-to snack!

It really comes down to being able to inspire others by being comfortable with yourself. You have to show girls that everyone is different; everyone has things they don't like, but they work it and walk the runway.

It's such an honor to be representing the USA in an international beauty contest in spite of all the tragedy that's happened in this country lately. I really hope that this this will raise everybody's spirits a little.

My parents are both musicians and made sure we all played music. My brothers and sisters all play instruments, so we'll get together whenever we can and play. We play a lot of classical music - you know, the good stuff.

The pageant movie I'm obsessed with is 'Miss Congeniality', hands down! I could quote everything from that movie. I love so many scenes, but I always find myself quoting the scene when Sandra Bullock goes, 'I really do just want world peace!'

If you think that your child is going to be really sensitive to the fact that they might not win - which they probably won't - you shouldn't do it because it's not healthy if they get the feeling that they're not good enough or they're not worthy.

We have little bags we pack specifically for touch-up makeup if you're chosen for the top 16. I knew I had to sneak in my banana because nothing calms my nerves like it! I don't know if it's the potassium, but I need it before I get on stage because it always calms me down.

I'd like to start off by saying that every experience no matter what it is, good or bad, you'll learn from it. That's just life. But something I've done I've regretted is probably picking on my siblings growing up, because you appreciate them so much more as you grow older.

I think that, if anything, the pageant is great for people who suffer from body issues. It's all about being comfortable with what you're given and what you have and being able to flaunt it without being insecure. It's about empowering women, not making them feel weak or less.

Beauty and makeup are not things people should think of as vain. It's an expression of yourself and can be seen as an art form as well. Also, it just makes people feel good because they're taking care of themselves. Anything you do to take care of yourself will inevitably make you feel better. That's the effect makeup has.

If you're comfortable with yourself, then you'll look beautiful. If you're not feeling comfortable with yourself, than that kind of shows. I think that as cheesy as the pageant industry can be seen at times, it actually does help women - boosting their confidence and growing into their own. I have to give it credit for that.

I was studying communications and acting, and I decided over the summer that I wanted to work on my acting skills and perform in a pageant. I didn't have any other way of practicing, so I entered the Miss Rhode Island pageant. I ended up wearing a dress that was a $20 rental. It was too short, and there was a hole in the back of it.

I do think that that would be fair, but I can understand that people would be a little apprehensive to take that road because there is a tradition of natural-born women, but today where there are so many surgeries and so many people out there who have a need to change for a happier life, I do accept that because I believe it’s a free country.

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