Every one who has labored honestly in the past has aided to place ...

Every one who has labored honestly in the past has aided to place knowledge and comfort within the reach of a constantly increasing number.

The golden rule for every business man is this: 'Put yourself in your ...

The golden rule for every business man is this: 'Put yourself in your customer's place.'

A will finds a way.

Be larger than your task.

There is no medicine like hope.

No man fails who does his best.

We lift ourselves by our thought.

Doing common things uncommonly well.

We lend power to the things we fear!

Put yourself in your customer's place.

Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young.

Power gravitates to the man who knows how.

Character: the grandest thing in the world.

To think you can creates the force that can.

A good system shortens the road to the goal.

The world makes way for the man with an idea.

Every child should be taught to expect success

The hand cannot reach higher than does the heart.

Opportunity always looks bigger going than coming.

We cannot rise higher than our thought of ourselves.

Our trials, our sorrows, and our grieves develop us.

The mill cannot grind with the water that has passed.

Conquer yourself and you can conquer everything else.

Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.

The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of the weak.

Nothing that the mind of man can conceive is impossible.

Learn From Yesterday, Live for Today, hope for tomorrow.

Talk happiness. The world is sad enough without your woe.

Wisdom is knowledge which has become a part of one's being.

He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't.

We make the world we live in and shape our own environment.

How can I develop myself into the grandest possible manhood?

What we sincerely believe regarding ourselves is true for us.

No one has a corner on success. It is his who pays the price.

Great men are but common men more fully developed and ripened.

It is what we do easily and what we like to do that we do well.

There is no law by which one can, as long as he thinks he can't.

All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.

Work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man's being.

What we do for a living does not matter as much as how we do it.

Scatter your flowers as you go; you will never go this way again.

Good cheer is a great lubricant; it oils all of life's machinery.

Without continuous effort there cannot be continuous achievement.

People do not realise the immense value of utilising spare minutes.

Live and let live is not enough; live and help live is not too much.

The influential man is the successful man, whether he be rich or poor.

Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do.

Self-confidence carries conviction; it makes other people believe in us.

Ambition is the incentive that makes purpose GREAT and ACHIEVEMENT greater!

Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities.

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