Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.

Every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves.

I do know dumb-ass questions when I see dumb-ass questions.

I come from the lower middle class, originally. We didn't have anything.

We're going to find out who did this and we're going after the bastards.

If we worked together, we could pull this country out of every mess it is in.

Capital punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life.

It's typical of Mormon people to love all people, but especially Jewish people.

Maybe I should get back to the music-writing phase and write one on tax reform.

I may be leaving the Senate, but the next chapter in my public service is just beginning.

The problem is that we have evil people who try to skirt the laws. And that's the problem.

Nobody believes in the CHIP program more than I. I invented it. I was the one who wrote it.

The only ones who will see an increase in pay are some of the trial lawyers who bring the cases.

I'm for helping the poor, always have been. And I don't think they should be bereft of healthcare.

I wear a mezuzah just to remind me, just to make sure that there is never another holocaust anywhere.

I've talked to Mitt Romney. He's not going to run for this seat. I would be glad for him if he would.

I sleep so much better at night, knowing that America is protected from thin pickles and fast ketchup.

Microsoft is engaging in unlawful predatory practices that go well beyond the scope of fair competition.

We have promised to do better, and no Republican concern should ever be enough to filibuster our own bill.

We must remember that judicial nominees are constrained in what they may discuss and how they may discuss it.

We must apply a judicial rather than a political standard to the information before us [if choosing a Judge].

We cannot let our respect for the FBI blind us from the fact the FBI has sometimes come up short of our expectations.

The fact is... our doors have not exactly been knocked down by companies willing to defend Microsofts business practices.

If they can shut down ABC News and ABC network programming just because they don't agree on something, it makes you wonder

This principle that judges are not politicians lies at the very heart of a judicial job - of the judicial job description.

There is a good reason they call these ceremonies 'commencement exercises'. Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.

The fact is... our doors have not exactly been knocked down by companies willing to defend Microsoft's business practices.

Only in a nation like ours could someone like me, the scrappy son of a simple carpenter, grow up to become a simple senator.

I don't think we should be discriminating against anyone. Transgender people are people and deserve the best we can do for them.

The fact that Judge [Samuel] Alito is such a baseball fan gives me even more confidence that he knows the proper role of a judge.

Vigilant and effective antitrust enforcement today is preferable to the heavy hand of government regulation of the Internet tomorrow.

As your Senator, I always fought the fight for those who could not fight for themselves, and I believe the results speak for themselves.

You know, we should not be giving cash to people who basically are just going to blow it on drugsand not take care of their own children.

Chief Justice [John] Roberts compared judges to umpires, who apply rules they did not write and cannot change to the competition before them.

But I bear witness to Christ, too. I really know him to be the savior of the world. And that means more to me than almost anything else I know.

Under the Constitution, the president, not the Senate, nominates and appoints judges. The Senate has a different role. We must give our advice .

If we could get the corporate tax rate down to, let's say, a maximum of 25 percent, it would be a sea change for this country. It would be great.

The Federal government does not have any information about extraterrestrial life to conceal, and there are no secret projects for me to investigate.

I was the original little guy. This country gave me an opportunity. I want our tax system to do the same for others facing those same circumstances.

I think that support of this [stem cell] research is a pro-life pro-family position. This research holds out hope for more than 100 million Americans.

However, FDA attempted to reverse this clear congressional intent in March, 1979, by proposing to regulate vitamins and minerals as 'Over-The-Counter' drugs.

We must apply a judicial, not a political, standard to this record. Asking a judicial nominee whose side you will be on in future cases is a political standard.

To be blunt, we need to remove the administrative barriers preventing legitimate research into medical marijuana, which is why I've decided to roll out the MEDS Act.

We're going to find out who did this and we're going after the bastards. [referring to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon]

When Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was before us in 1993, she said that her standard was to give no hints, no forecasts, no previews, and declined to answer dozens of questions.

As was noted in the Wall Street Journal, last March 21st, FDA approval of drug labelling, '...requires seven to ten years, and costs each applicant an average of $70 million.'

Because judges may not issue advisory opinions, judicial nominees may not do so either, especially on issues likely to come before the court. That rule has always been honored.

We should evaluate judges and judicial nominees based on the general process for applying the law to any legal disputes, not on the specific result in a particular case or dispute.

No matter how badly senators want to know things, judicial nominees are limited in what they may discuss. That limitation is real. And it comes from the very nature of what judges do.

No matter how badly senators want to know things, judicial nominees are limited in what they may discuss. That limitation is real, and it comes from the very nature of what judges do.

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