The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave ...

The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone.

Prayer is an effort of will.

Obey Him with glad reckless joy.

Trust God, and do the next thing.

Sin is blatant mutiny against God.

The man who prays ceases to be a fool

Never try to help God fulfill His word.

Begin to know Him now, and finish never

Don't read to remember; read to realize.

A ready person never needs to get ready.

When you fear God you fear nothing else!

The good is always the enemy of the best.

Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life.

Remember Whose you are and Whom you serve.

God wants to use us as He used His own Son

An unguarded strength is a double weakness.

The nature of faith is that it must be tried.

Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind.

The great paralysis of our heart is unbelief.

Sorrow burns up a great amount of shallowness.

A river reaches places its source never knows.

We are here for God's designs, not for our own

How many people have you made homesick for God?

Beware of reasoning about God's Word - obey It.

Prayer imparts the power to walk and not faint.

It must be God first, God second, and God third

Prayer is the way the life of God is nourished.

Prayer is the answer to every problem there is.

Happiness depends on what happens; joy does not.

Every man is made to reach out beyond his grasp.

Our true character comes out in the way we pray.

Make converts to your own thoughts and opinions.

Death is God's delightful way of giving us life.

Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.

The love of God is not created- it is His nature.

To silence the Voice of God is damnation in time!

Thoughts about myself hinder my usefulness to God.

My worth to God in public is what I am in private.

In a conflict of loyalty, obey Jesus at all costs.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations

A life of intimacy with God is characterized by joy.

The whole meaning of prayer is that we may know God.

We do not pray at all until we are at our wits' end.

The greatest test of a man's character is his tongue.

Never say you will pray about a thing; pray about it.

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you.

Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.

Prayer is the exercise of drawing on the grace of God.

The greatest word of Jesus to His disciples is abandon

Never let the sense of failure corrupt your new action.

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