I am a dope dude.

I love Tom Ford loafers.

Pancakes are always good.

Buy and wear what you love, man.

Figure out your niche and maximize it.

I feel like I can adapt to any defense.

During the season, I'm sore everywhere.

I got shoes literally all over my house.

I wanted to have a chance to win a championship.

I like to try different restaurants in every city.

I always believe in myself, nobody else believed in me.

I am the finesse king, especially when it comes to shoes.

I could never just throw on a sweatsuit and go to a game. No.

James Harden is one of the best offensive players in the game.

There's nobody I can't guard. There's nothing. There's no ceiling.

I like shoes that are definitive, and they know exactly what they are.

It's never like I go sneaker shopping just to get shoes for a hoop game.

I could wear Jordan 1's every day with anything. So many different flavors.

I hate when people talk about certain guys and say they can't work together.

I really like a lot of Tom Ford. His leather sneakers are my most worn shoes.

I used to literally spend every dime I had on clothes, shoes and getting fresh.

I've always felt like I was a guy that understood my role. I thrive because I love it.

My love for fashion has been natural, it's been organic and I want to keep it that way.

I really love shoes that can go with a lot of different things and mix up a little bit.

Being the main guy for three or four years, I understood what it took to be the leader.

I like to get into people and make people uncomfortable. That's how I play and what I do.

I've bought more shoes during the coronavirus than I ever have. Probably in my entire life.

Aside from the states, Israel's my favorite country. I love it there. I still go there to visit.

At the end of the day, that's all that matters. Winning a championship. Everything else is failure.

I like to hoop but I don't want to be remembered for one thing, like 'oh he just plays basketball.'

I really dig Tom Ford. It fits big dudes, but it's the cleanest, most elegant-looking clothing ever.

I'm from Raleigh, N.C. It's my home, the most beautiful place ever - but it has some racist history.

It's hilarious; every time I get to a new city, I'll have a thousand DMs about where to get pancakes.

My body of work speaks for itself. I don't need anybody in the media to tell me I'm a good defensive player.

I just do me, honestly, I do me. It don't matter if the cameras are there or not, I'd be doing the same thing.

I've been the same size since I was 12. They thought I was going to be 7 feet tall. I never grew another inch.

There are a number of ways to define most valuable player. For me, it's the guy who means the most to his team.

There's nothing, nobody can pay me enough money and nobody can do enough for me to wear something I don't want.

From the beginning of time, all I've ever done is hoop, and this culture of sneakers has always been a part of it.

No one wants to be patient. No one wants to wait for anything. They want it right now - that instant gratification.

That whole era of Chris Webber with Nike was, to me, the golden era. Everybody was getting their own signature shoe.

People think I play hard. It's just me wanting to be in the NBA and trying to prove every game that I should be here.

You can be in the league and still feel like you're not in the league. That was the point I was at when I left Toronto.

I look up on Yelp and look at what the best breakfast places are, specifically who has the best pancakes in every city.

I know a lot of people do charity work, but I always say find something that you are interested in to be able to give back.

Cuttino Mobbley always had on suits every single game. I've never seen Cuttino without a suit. He used to always have on suits.

My shoes are an expression of me, how I'm feeling. Some nights I might wear some crazy stuff. Some nights I might be more regular.

Playing on different teams, playing all the different places I've played, the consistent thing is I'm always vocal and working hard.

Everyday I have to get dressed. I can't just throw on something and walk out and say, 'I'm not going to see anybody today.' I see me.

Nothin' will ever jump over the Jumpman... Yeezys aren't even basketball shoes. You can play in 'em, but they're not basketball shoes.

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