I like intelligent comedies.

I have a hunger for good roles.

My middle class values are intact.

Harin Pathak is like my elder brother.

I will never stop performing on stage.

I want to make sensible commercial films.

I would loved to be called a character actor.

I never felt like running away from my dreams.

I enjoy doing all types of role, small or big.

No actor can rise above the script of the film.

I do enjoy cricket, but the game is over hyped.

I will not hesitate to take up good film offers.

I frequently visit Ahmedabad. My sister lives here.

I have done too many movies but too little variety.

To make anything successful, you need a good writer.

I know very well that I can never look like PM Modi.

Sanjay Dutt is a prankster and brings life to the sets.

I began my career with Gujarati and Hindi plays in 1973.

I do theatre for my personal satisfaction and enjoyment.

Play is a medium of word and film is a medium of picture.

Boman Irani is a wonderful human being and a terrific actor.

Theatre is an actor's medium while a film is the director's.

An actor is known by his choices, not by his box-office figures.

Films are meant for the masses, for the purpose of entertainment.

Criticism is okay from people who know the finer points of cinema.

Rajkumar Hirani is a gem of a person. You can trust him completely.

It is good if newcomers have a theatre background. It helps in films.

It's not whether I believe in God, but it's whether He believes in me.

I love Delhi for its historical value and the variety of food it offers.

Comedy or villain, the role does not matter as long as it is challenging.

I'm fortunate to have got the opportunity to play interesting characters.

Except theatre, there is no medium which can satisfy good artistes in India.

In 'Dear Father,' you will see some remarkable work in terms of the screenplay.

Unlike films, theatre allows you to experiment as an actor, which is fulfilling.

I don't think kids of actors become good actors but exceptions are always there.

It is not necessary to have a good sense of humour personally to do comedy well.

Mumbai and Gujarat are the two places that can be termed as the capital of theatre.

I think I'm blessed that my desire to work with Rajkumar Hirani has been fulfilled.

I enjoy doing all kinds of roles, but I don't want to be restricted to comedy alone.

As a child, I was mischievous and an attention-seeker, so acting came naturally to me.

Every time my capability as an actor would be questioned, I would put in double the effort.

I don't believe in terminologies like 'lead role' or 'supporting role' or 'cameo role,' etc.

I have full confidence in Modi and his policies. Just like Gujarat, he will transform India.

I admired actors like Dilip Kumar and Om Puri as a kid and acting was all I ever thought about.

Before passing a judgement on somebody just give it a thought about what he or she went through.

I cannot even open an umbrella properly. How could I ever have been a civil engineering student?

Only I can play Modi. I say that even at the cost of sounding pompous because I really love him.

It's difficult to adopt mannerism of a real-life person and even add the nuances of your acting into it.

In a film, I can show you the beach, the sunset, the roads, while in a play you have to imagine all that.

An actor can give his best shot but the script and dialogues have to have punch to make it more effective.

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