Lee Min Ho is a very cool guy, and I had a great teamwork with him as well.

Quite many people have ugly hands, and I thought I should not feel ashamed about it.

I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be healthy mentally and physically.

I used to like humorous people in the past, but these days, I like serious people more.

While make-up helps to enhance one's features, too much of it tends to hide a person's features.

I actually felt like I was starting a new career as a news reporter while playing in 'Pinocchio.'

Many fans were surprised when they learned that the little girl in drama 'Stairway To Heaven' was me.

My face is not perfect. Because my nose is not sharp, many people suggested I should get my nose done.

If somebody has too much stress about their appearance, they can overcome their inferiority complex through surgery.

Less make-up is better, and it's always better to let your natural beauty shine. Essentially, be happy with your appearance.

I was going to finish my university degree after finishing 'The Tailors,' but 'Pinocchio' made me to take another semester off.

Unlike my previous roles, which portrayed girls who are supportive and loving, Hye-jung is a cold loner who doesn't know how to love.

I don't think badly of or oppose having plastic surgery. I once seriously thought of it, but I decided to take my appearance as it is.

I cannot believe that 'Pinocchio' is over yet, and I always think about so many great memories that I made while playing in the drama.

Whatever work I do, I tend to do it fast and accurately, but when it comes to fields that I don't know about well, I prefer to just listen.

In the past, I used to tell everyone that I have never had a boyfriend, because I was still quite young. However, I cannot say the same thing now.

I'm not glamorous and a bit bland, but I think that's my strength. That may be a reason behind what people say is my good chemistry with many actors.

I want to marry after traveling alone, meeting many people, and experiencing a variety of things, and when I'm certain I can be responsible of myself.

It was truthfully an honor in itself to be able to act face to face with Choi Min Sik. I was really nervous, but his encouragement became a huge strength to me.

I was surprised to see so many fans recognized me when I visited Japan on a personal trip. I think fans like me because of my healthy, bright, and cheerful energy.

Due to my hectic work schedule, I hardly have enough sleep, and my skin tends to look dull. Facial masks are my savior, as it helps to brighten and hydrate my skin.

I wanted to get some nose job, because I don't like how my nose tip looks. My hand is also not as pretty, especially my thumb nails. Many people told me that I have ugly hands.

When I was younger, I wanted to marry early, like at 23. Year by year, I found things I wanted to do, and the thought of marriage disappeared. But I don't want to marry too late. Around 31?

Of course I have had a boyfriend. However, I was way too busy while taking care of myself, and I could not show a better care for my boyfriend. I found myself getting more and more egocentric, and I was not a good girlfriend at all.

While there was clear evidence that the dad was innocent in 'Miracle,' in 'Heart Blackened,' I was in a situation of 'having to' prove somebody's innocence. So when I stood trial as Hee-jung, things felt awkward and unfamiliar for me.

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