I lost my confidence.

Sometimes I draw blanks.

Make Winning an Attitude.

Put the Team Before Yourself.

Combine practice with belief.

Hard work breeds self-respect.

See yourself as self employed.

If I aint happy, nobody's happy.

Class is more important than a game.

I don't give out compliments easily.

Sit up straight, listen and participate.

Winners are not born, they are self-made.

Our emphasis is on execution, not winning.

Discipline yourself, so no one else has to.

Know your strengths, weaknesses, and needs.

Sometimes I'm more stubborn than I am smart.

I think I can help others just by my example.

You have to make shots. That's the bottom line.

If it doesn't bother you, it won't bother them.

I really felt like we had to have a go to player.

It is what it is. But, it will be what you make it.

Teamwork doesn't come naturally. It must be taught.

Success is a project that's always under construction.

With attitude, you can determine your own performance.

You can't have any quit in you if you want to be successful.

The ultimate goal of discipline is to teach self discipline.

Individual success is a myth. No one succeeds all by herself.

I hate to sound this way but, 'Why me? Why me with dementia?'

Loyalty is not unilateral. You have to give it to receive it.

The person, the student, the athlete, all are considered equal.

We do not win championships with girls. We win with competitors

Silence is a form of communication, too. Sometimes less is more.

Group discipline produces a unified effort toward a common goal.

Teamwork is what makes common people capable of uncommon results.

If you want to be in the game you better shoot 75% from the line.

I want to go to practice. I want to be in the huddles. That's me.

Nine-tenths of discipline is having the patience to do things right.

If I was renowned as as tough coach, I also wanted to be a caring one

Losing strengthens you. It reveals your weaknesses so you can fix them

Coaches who start listening to fans often wind up sitting next to them.

I mean, we're always trying to evaluate and tweak things and get better.

Attitude is a choice. Think positive thoughts daily. Believe in yourself.

Offense sells tickets, defense wins games, rebounding wins championships.

I learned so much from Sue about the Xs and Os of the game of basketball.

I haven't ever really had a goal to break that record or catch John Wooden.

I'm interested to see where a combination of faith and science will take me.

I'm not a good loser. I get sick physically... I take it to heart. I hate it.

Value those colleagues who tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear.

Change equals self improvement. Push yourself to places you haven't been before.

There is an old saying: a champion is someone who is willing to be uncomfortable.

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