Every parent wants to see their kids excel.

Everybody always thinks the grass is always greener.

Umm - it was - you know - umm - a good game. You know.

Brooklyn, it's a great town, a great city. It's New York.

I wish I had stayed and finished my career here in New York.

We might make a lot of money but, we also spend a lot of money.

We feel that we are fighting for our lives and our livelihoods.

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done.

Winning a ring is everybody's goal, whether you're a player or a coach.

Amare, Carmelo Anthony, Chauncey Billups - they're virtually unstoppable.

Whenever my body heals and the pain and all the swelling goes away is when I'll be ready.

People think that just because you're a center, you're not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys.

This means a lot. I'm being recognized for all the blood, sweat and tears I put into a 17-year career.

I'm just like any person who is coaching in this league, I'm just looking for an opportunity, that's all.

Every time when they would call my name I kept hearing 'New York Knicks' instead of 'Seattle SuperSonics.

Every time when they would call my name I kept hearing 'New York Knicks' instead of 'Seattle SuperSonics.'

I'm sure at some point I will get back into coaching, but right now I need to focus completely on my kids.

Getting the degree meant more to me than an NCAA title, being named All-American or winning an Olympic gold medal.

I've been an assistant for seven years now and I haven't had one head coaching interview. I'm doing something wrong.

I positively, positively, positively want to play. I've got everything else so why not a gold medal? I want to play.

The greatest players fit with the team. They play within the team's style, rather than asking the team to change its style.

New York is a passionate city. They want a winner. They deserve a winner. I think we did an outstanding job of bringing it back.

People complain that pro athletes make a lot of money; but what they don't understand is that we need a lot of money because we spend a lot of money.

Everybody keeps telling me how surprised they are with what I've done. But I'm telling you honestly that it doesn't surprise me. I knew I could do it.

If I want to average 32 points a game, I can do that easily. It's just eight, eight, eight, eight. No problem. I can do that anytime. That's not being cocky. That's confidence.

I never knew what basketball was. I started playing on the playground. People used to laugh at me and joke at me because I was so tall and I didn't know the game and couldn't play it.

I'm satisfied with the way I play, but I don't evaluate my performances. I worry about what I can contribute defensively. I don't need to score. As long as we win, I don't care how many points I score.

When I played with the Knicks, I was just as important or just as smart as any other of the guards I played with. I still had to call out plays, notice schemes, know the systems, do everything they had to do.

Pat Riley, Dave Checketts and Ernie Grunfeld - they brought the Knicks back to the glory days. It started with Rick Pitino. We took our first step with him, making the playoffs. When Pat came in we just kicked the door open.

I've been to the Hall of Fame many times, in grade school and high school. I had field trips to the Hall of Fame and taking tours of it. I just never thought about that one day I possibly might be in it. I think it'd be great.

Too much negotiating and not enough work on the court - that's what happened to me during the lockout. Too much talking and not enough training. I couldn't put in my usual offseason work routine. I think that all caught up to me, with my Achilles problems.

I think the people here in New York appreciated what I brought to the table, and they showed it when I retired by the way they came out and supported me, and it meant a lot to me. It made me feel like I am a part of this city, and I will remain a part of this city.

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