Honestly, I don't ever regret anything I say.

If you don't believe in yourself, no one else is going to.

I've always enjoyed being... I guess you would call it the underdog.

If I could have my wife and kids on the road with me every week, I would.

People make conclusions about somebody before they actually get to know someone.

At the end of the day, all I can do is control me and what comes out of my mouth.

I just kind of live in that world that everyone's upset with me. That's OK; I'll just go out and try and do what I do.

I think the biggest thing is to continue grinding and not let the crowds of people get in the way of you're trying to do.

Just be you. Play golf. If you get riled up, show it. If you aren't happy about something, it's all right. Just play golf.

You just have your teammates and yourself out there to pick you up, so just kind of shows you how strong you really can be.

Honestly, I don't really care what people say on Twitter or what they say if they are cheering for me or not cheering for me.

I believe in myself, especially with how hard I've worked. I'm one of the top five players in the world. I feel like I've proven myself.

It's just one of those things, I believe in myself and - especially with how hard I've worked - I'm one of the top five players in the world.

When I got to the first tee on the first day, to hear the cheers, it was like all the oxygen got sucked out. It was hard to pull the club back.

You know that once you're successful, there's going to be good things and bad things that people say and, honestly, to me it doesn't really matter.

In the past, I put too much pressure on myself. I went out there and I tried so hard to get the ball in the hole, I tried so hard to hit the perfect shots.

When it comes right down to it, I don't care if I like the person I'm paired with or if the person likes me as long as it works and it sets up the team for success.

There are the guys that wear the white hats and they're painting the picture of someone to wear the black hat and they chose me - even though they don't really know me.

Every player has to figure out what works best for them. So yes, I like the way I work, and if that gives me a competitive edge, that's great and if it doesn't that's okay too.

Honestly, people can write anything they want about me and I could care less, but once you start writing stuff about my family, my wife and my daughter and son or my mother-in-law, then you're drawing a line.

You know, that's one great thing about the sport we play is you know, whether it's here, whether it's anywhere else we play or whether it's around the world. A lot of the fans, they respect great golf and they want to see great golf.

I've worked so hard, I've won a lot in my junior career, did great things in my amateur career, was 6-0 in match play in NCAAs, won NCAAs two years in a row, got third individually one year, and now I have three wins out here on the PGA Tour.

I don't see a lot of guys that have done that [winning three times before age 24], besides Tiger Woods, of course, and, you know, the other legends of the game. It's just one of those things, I believe in myself and – especially with how hard I've worked – I'm one of the top five players in the world. I feel like I've proven myself.

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