I don't settle. That's how I am.

I take losses very personal and very serious.

I don't think there's a lot of discipline right now.

I feel like I can compete against any physical player.

I want to be on the floor. I want to fight for the win.

I like the fact people consider me unique, one of a kind.

The NBA is tough. Everybody plays hard and every game is vital.

You never know when it is your last game or your last tournament.

We have a great friendship that I hope will last our entire lives.

When it comes to playoff time, I pull the energy and the motivation.

When I'm aggressive and physically feel pretty good, I'm hard to stop.

Making the playoffs three consecutive seasons is a great accomplishment.

The coach has put a lot of trust in me to make good decisions in the post.

It doesn't matter who gets what. It's just a matter of doing what it takes to win.

I want to keep playing at the kind of level where I'll get respect from everybody.

If our minds and hearts are into it, we can be a heck of a team. We can beat anybody.

I know that if I perform at a really high level, we're going to have a better chance to win.

I just need to get more aggressive and let my teammates feel all that energy and all that emotion.

No one could have prepared for me BBQ on pizza. I mean, both are great. But together? It was incredible.

It doesn't matter what you've done, but what you're going to do the next game, and that's what I'm focused on.

In-N-Out is incredible, but don't tell coach I've been going there. He would flip out and put some curse on me.

I may not be the most physical player, that's not my nature. But I am a competitor and I play as hard as I can.

I'm not the number-one guy here ... if it translates to winning, I don't mind taking a step back as far as roles.

I'm doing my job. I'm doing what's expected out of me, and I'm proud of the way I've been able to perform and contribute.

I try to look at what KG does, what Tim Duncan does, what Amare Stoudamire does ... I compare and evaluate myself with them.

Nobody had faith in me when I got here except my team. That's what carried me through all the transition problems and adjustments and everything.

All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.

I'm not a person or a selfish player, but we have to move the ball more, and we have to look further the team game, because we have enough talent to use different players.

I won't forget the hood. I won't forget the days of catching a bullet on the way to the mailbox or bricks with death threats that somehow made their way through the window.

I want to continue to expand my game a little more, build my body and work on staying strong so I can play the way I've been playing, and holding my ground the way I've been holding my ground.

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