Fiction creating reality.

It's like a mathematical law, Grace.

I really have no interest in myself.

I like the sound a typewriter makes.

Every man is the author of his own life.

The truth of the story lies in the details.

Reason and memory are nearly always at odds.

Dismantling the architecture of my discontent

Paintings. Or the collapse of time in images.

Just think it, and chances are it will happen.

but even the facts do not always tell the truth

One should never underestimate the power of books.

you can survive only if nothing is necessary to you

The story is not in the words; it's in the struggle.

I'm in constant inner dialogue with my father still.

We find ourselves only by looking to what we’re not.

The real is always way ahead of what we can imagine.

As long as you are dreaming, there is always a way out

He would conclude that nothing was real except chance.

We are continually shaped by the forces of coincidence.

Stories only happen to those who are able to tell them.

Artists are the people for whom the world is not enough.

To feel estranged from language is to lose your own body.

I guess the important thing for young writers is to read.

Everything can change at any moment, suddenly and forever.

I'm not a man deeply interested in technology. It eludes me.

Books demand more. You have to be a more active participant.

Every historical moment needs the stories to be told about it.

Memory is the space in which a thing happens for a second time.

You have to really have a taste for being alone to be a writer.

There's hope for everyone. That's what makes the world go round.

I think human beings wouldn't be human without narrative fiction.

If you're not ready for everything, you're not ready for anything.

The kind of fiction I'm trying to write is about telling the truth.

You can't put your feet on the ground until you've touched the sky.

It seems to me that I will always be happy in the place where I am not.

...once you fell in love with her, you loved her until the day you died.

I'm living in the present, thinking about the past, hoping for the future.

If the world weren't such a beautiful place, we might all turn into cynics

I thought I was terrible [to play a cameo] and decided never to act again.

The fiction is not autobiographical. Maybe to some extent it is, of course.

I've learned not to look at reviews. Early on, I did. I was always curious.

Writing has always had a tactile quality for me. It's a physical experience.

Our lifelong certainties about the world can be demolished in a single second.

I think it's a very good thing to leave your country and look at it from afar.

We have missed him in the sunshine, in the storm, in the twilight, ever since.

You find the book in the process of doing it. That's the adventure of the job.

No one wants to be part of a fiction, and even less so if that fiction is real.

It would be a terrible world if everyone was an artist. Nothing would get done!

Writing has always had that tactile quality for me. It's a physical experience.

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