I don't find monkeys inherently funny.

I'm not afraid of you, 'American Idol.'

An audience can become a mob very easily.

Everyone is always asking me about clothes.

I like being around people who are good conversationalists.

I consume a lot of podcasts. I'm a voracious podcast consumer.

Some people just want to make up the funny things and play pretend.

I'm not a super adventurous eater and I try to make myself try things.

I don't know grammar but I do know that I love playing games on my phone.

I like 'Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period' podcast.

My first car was a 2011 Mini Cooper, because I only learned to drive in 2010.

There are absolutely no limits with podcasting because you can do anything you want.

From a personal standpoint I really like that Bernie Sanders is making so much noise.

I loved the bike because it gave me some measure of independence that I did not have.

It seems the more shallow and mean the candidates are the more they rise in the polls.

The first time I did Cake Boss or Ice-T or Andrew Lloyd Webber was on 'Best Week Ever.'

I think Jaws is one of those movies that, if it is on, I will watch it until it's finished.

I have a hernia scar from when I was a kid. I had a hernia when I was like in fourth grade.

How has podcasting changed things? A lot of people ask me if I feel I should be more famous.

What I do with impressions, I try not to be mean-spirited. To me, it's just about being silly.

I got married and we had a relatively simple wedding and there were not a lot of thrills to it.

I just approach everything by just doing the best job I can do and try to be a pleasant person.

More than just a sobering history lesson, 'Angry Birds' is a beautiful game. It's absolutely lovely.

If written with enough care and thoughtfulness, a joke can make you laugh at a belief you hold dear.

People are going to hire you, or they're not, and there's only so much you can do to hedge your bets.

I think, in a way, the stand-up prepped me for the improv, because I do a lot of riffing in my stand-up.

When I started stand-up, the people I admired most were the people who were the most themselves onstage.

When the response to comedy becomes cheering instead of laughing, that is so irritating. It's the worst.

Comedy Bang! Bang!' has meant so much to me over the years, and has brought me so much and so many new fans.

I make my money from a lot of different sources, so I'm not depending on any one thing to really pull through.

Look, we have long known that birds and pigs are mortal enemies. That's just the way of the world. Birds hate pigs.

I seem to be one of those people that's immune to Super Bowl fever. I may be a carrier, but I'm immune to it myself.

I enjoy very traditional stuff, and I enjoy kind of outlandish stuff, and I just really like clothes. I always have.

I have Peter O'Toole's autograph on a first-edition copy of his autobiography that I acquired under false pretenses.

I always liked dressing up. I think, because I always liked performing, I always liked costumes and things like that.

Someone thought that I dropped out of Harvard. I am a college dropout, but I dropped out of Temple University in Philadelphia.

I loved Garry Marshall. The television shows he created in the '80s were the most deeply important entertainment of my childhood.

The thing I have to keep in mind and I try to keep in mind about myself, about anyone, is you do the best you can do at the time.

It's important for us all to elect people not just on blind party loyalty. We've got to really examine what candidates say and do.

The thing you have to be on guard against, more than anything, is self-sabotage. You have to make sure you're not your own worst enemy.

My favorite movie is Lawrence Of Arabia. But that's a long, long movie. So although I've seen it several times, it's not as fun as Jaws.

I think that we all enjoy silliness to varying degrees but I think everyone can enjoy a relatable thing if it is expressed in a funny way.

When Huell Howser died, James Adomian had done Huell Howser for years. As crazy as that impression was, James genuinely loved Huell Howser.

The ideas that you find funny and the things that you are offering to an audience are tied up with who you are and your soul and your heart.

I love a small dinner party - let's say six people, max, were everybody's having the same conversation. That's my favorite thing in the world.

Making movies is nice, man. A movie with some money behind it? Sweet. So many snacks and stuff. Name-brand. And many different kinds of coffee.

Just because I have a good vocabulary, I don't think of myself as anachronistic - just because I try not to use the word 'like' every other word.

I think that a lot of times Mr. Peanutbutter is absolutely speaking directly to the audience and saying basic, human truths that we need to hear.

I think I've almost killed myself 1,000 times eating some sandwich as fast as I possibly could and almost choking. It's a miracle that I'm still alive.

I always like things that shrink the world for me, that make me feel a strange connection, not just to the person that I'm listening to but to the world.

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