I have one client: Donald Trump.

I'm always careful what clients I take.

Trouble follows the Clintons everywhere.

Benghazi was a tragedy. Libya is a tragedy.

Trump is very plugged in. He's very connected.

The reality is, Ted Cruz has seen his best day.

The framework of the election favors Donald Trump.

Pence is a fan of fundraising and does enjoy doing it.

You don't change Donald Trump. You don't 'manage' him.

What happened with Brexit was people taking back control.

Trump is not a fan of fundraising, but he's willing to do it.

I have run campaigns. That doesn't make you the establishment.

The simplest answer is the truth: I am a campaign professional.

Like my father, Trump also understands working-class Americans.

We don't plan on winning in August - we plan on winning in November.

If we run the campaign that we plan on running, we think we're going to win.

Donald Trump is talking about the failed leadership of the Obama Administration.

Donald Trump is running this campaign. And I'm working directly for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump understands media. He's a television star. And he's connected with America.

My work in Ukraine ceased following the country's parliamentary elections in October 2014.

I don't think this election is about Hillary Clinton. This election is about Donald Trump.

The conversation we should be having is, what does Russia have from Hillary Clinton's server?

The Republican Party is a composition of the members of the party and not just the leadership.

You can't change somebody's character, but you can change the way a person presents themselves.

I was about 15, 16 years old when my father first ran for mayor, and that's where I cut my teeth.

Reince Priebus is a strong supporter of Donald Trump and a good friend and supporter of Paul Ryan.

Trump is in the position to be the next president of the United States, given the mood in America today.

There are some Senate candidates who aren't sure Trump is in their interest yet, but they'll come along.

I've never dealt with the Russian government, I've never had a relationship with the Russian government.

The role that I played in Ukraine ended up resulting in Ukraine becoming part of the European community.

The point is the country has got serious problems dealing with terrorism both domestic and international.

Securing the Republican nomination is an intricate series of steps that requires a comprehensive strategy.

Trump's negatives are negatives that deal with his personality. People don't know yet what to make of him.

People are frustrated with all of the drama around the Clinton family and the history of the Clinton family.

Please, let's talk to American families and sit around the dinner table at night figuring how to pay their bills.

We are organized, we are moving forward, and the Clinton machine may not like it, but we're prepared for the fight.

I work directly for the boss. I listen to everybody, but I have one man whose voice is louder than everybody else's.

As an opinion manager, a campaign consultant, fixing personality negatives is a lot easier than fixing character negatives.

Those are the two issues: Protecting the homeland and stopping the war and going after ISIS in a way that ends the terrorism.

Mr. Trump's position has been clear from the beginning: He's under audit. When the audit is completed, he'll release his returns.

The rise of ISIS is a result of - Obama and Clinton making a decision to pull our troops out without preparing Iraq is a colossal mistake.

If there's anyone who's against Wall Street, it's Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, who basically lives off of the funding from Wall Street.

Donald Trump's whole candidacy from the time he started has been filled with myths by the media that he couldn't - he was not a serious candidate.

Trump was doing very well on a model that made sense, but now, as the campaign has gotten to the end stages, a more traditional campaign has to take place.

Donald Trump figured out that the campaign for a moderate presidency is different than it's been in the past. He didn't put together a traditional campaign.

Brexit is really a good forerunner of what's going to happen here in November, I think. The same angst that drove that vote is driving the American election.

Mr. Trump has said that he wants a vice president who knows Washington, is able to deal with the Congress, and could be viewed as somebody who could be president.

By the way, in Mrs. Clinton's returns, you saw a lot of income coming from donors to the Clinton Foundation and people who benefitted from her State Department term as well.

I have never received a single 'off-the-books cash payment' as falsely 'reported' by 'The New York Times,' nor have I never done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia.

You talk to tax attorneys who are not politically motivated, and they will tell you they would never advise their client to release any tax information in the course of an audit.

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