Mostly I play sports games - football and basketball. 'Inside Drive' and 'NFL Fever.'

I want to be that guy that says I was one of the first guys to put a banner in Brooklyn.

At some point we all have to move on. Im here to create some kind of legacy in Brooklyn.

After 18 NBA years, it's hard to believe I'll be playing in each arena for the last time.

I love the fact that I get to play against the Los Angeles Lakers in a Game 7 on the road.

The media in Utah is not the same as the media in New York, so that can wear on some people.

I always wanted a little brother because I felt like the little brother had to do everything.

When you've been around the game so much for so many years, it's just like it's a part of you.

I respect LeBron. People think we have a hate for each other, but I totally respect what he's done.

That is one of my greatest strengths. I am not afraid to face challenges or any matchup in the league.

When you win a championship, it is a great feeling, and you really don't want that feeling to go away.

It's no secret that me and New York got history. It's no secret. This is no secret. It's already known.

I want to be there for my daughter - when she falls, to pick her up. When she needs help with homework.

You've got to put in the work. And you've got to play with confidence. You've got to believe in yourself.

When you're not winning in your last couple of years, it gets frustrating because where's your motivation?

When you gotta go through something tough, I've always been a guy that just wants to get it out of the way.

Man, there's a lot of pressure when you put on that Kansas uniform with the high expectations everyone has.

When Shaq gave me the nickname, it wasn't no Joe-Bob giving you a nickname. This is Shaq. It was like, whoa.

I just think it's really upsetting when you see a community just go out and burn down stores and trash cars.

Just soaking up the history of the Boston Celtics has been the best thing that's happened to me as a player.

If I see LeBron walking down the street, it's not going to be no fistfight. I've got a lot of respect for him.

When you're a young player, and you're starting to scratch your potential, you don't know how good you can be.

I've never been in a gang. None of my friends have been in a gang. I've never rolled around with big entourages.

I've always been the Rodney Dangerfield of this game. Maybe it was meant to be that way, but that always drove me.

If I had to single one guy out who is the most difficult player to guard in the league, it would have to be Carmelo.

Everybody knows how much I disliked the Knicks when I was with the Celtics, but I think it's grown to another level.

Listening and talking to my teammates has helped me learn the NBA game. I know that talent can only take you so far.

We used to play 'Double Dribble' on Nintendo. Later, in high school, it was more 'NBA Live' and 'John Madden Football.'

I don't have to use anything to motivate me, a trade or anything like that, for me to say I want to win a championship.

The NBA is changing so much. It's not like when I came up, with that old-school mentality that practice really mattered.

Who cares who gets the last shot or scores the most points? Who cares who gets the credit? If we win, we're all winners.

I'm happy I'm able to leave a legacy behind. I'm happy I was able to win a championship. I have no regrets about nothing.

I always say I wish I was in my prime matching up against LeBron. Let's see how many championships he would have won then.

Kobe is one of the best scorers in NBA history, but I don't have as much trouble with him in the post as I do with Carmelo.

Sometimes when general managers get a new job, they clean house and start over and rebuild and get the players they want in there.

I am a confident player, and a lot of people might look at it like, 'Oh, another cocky attitude,' but I don't look at it that way.

I've got three beautiful kids that wear me out after I get home from practice. I think that's a good thing so I'm able to get my rest.

I majored in criminal justice. I like 'CSI,' all that, '24.' I watch those shows on A&E, if I watch TV. I don't really watch TV shows.

When you got it going, you got it going. I just keep my focus down the stretch. Thats when I want the ball. Im just not afraid to fail.

There's a line that separates having confidence and being conceited. I don't cross that line, but I have a lot of confidence in myself.

I worked at a hospital for a week. And at a golf course when I was in college at Kansas for about a week. The tips weren't good so I quit.

I've been around this game for a long time - a lot of plane rides, a lot of bus rides, a lot of pregame speeches, a lot of national anthems.

Personally, I think I've got split personalities, and I may need a psychiatrist. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Seriously. I'm serious about this.

I found my father through other people, through my older brothers, my high school coaches, so I had men influences along the way who helped me.

I've never been on the cover of a game. When people go into the store and see me on the cover of a game, maybe that will entice them to buy it.

When you go against the best... a lot of series are won on fear factor or the non-belief. When you have that non-belief, then you have no chance.

If somebody said, 'You're going to be the Number 1 pick; you're going to have a great team around you all these years'? It would've been too easy.

LeBron is a great post-up player, but if you get him to settle for the jumper on some nights, you might be able to slow him down if his shot is off.

Old-school guys, they don't need to see the doctor, the massage therapist. We'd come in when we was 21; we'd go right to the court and start shooting.

I knew I wasn't going to be a scientist; I knew that early. When they started talking about dissecting frogs, I knew I wasn't going to be a scientist.

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