I cry all the time.

No one remembers who came fourth.

In the marathon anything can happen.

I apologise to people when I need to.

I can swim I'm not bad, but not great.

I can't imagine living and not running.

You can't magic yourself back 10 years.

I don't feel guilty in having pleasure!

I don't like going away from my children.

I try not to worry about things that I can't control.

You see, with me, when I'm nervous, I smile and laugh.

I am not going to let Athens affect the rest of my life.

It's good to be back, feeling like myself and enjoying it.

From my training I can get a good idea of what I'm capable of.

I think your body is just a little bit stronger after pregnancy.

Plenty of people who are 38 have run really well in the marathon.

You can be strong and true to yourself without being rude or loud.

I prefer just a women's race. It's a totally different game mentally.

I'm confident of what I have to achieve in the buildup to London 2012.

I have been doing 120 miles a week, when normally I would do about 140.

I would be happy with an Olympic bronze. What I don't have is an Olympic medal.

As an athlete, there are advantages being with a team and getting regular physio.

As an athlete, there are advantages being with a team and getting regular physio...

Every time I go out and race it's a goal to go out and run faster than I've done before.

I've no desire to do one of those 50-mile races like the Comrades or anything like that.

I've been to three Olympics and I don't feel I've ever quite achieved my best at any of them.

At big championships it's not the fastest person, it's the person who gets it right on the day.

The biggest danger is trying to put too much pressure on yourself, trying to get in too good shape.

Today was not about times, it was about getting in there, enjoying the race, and enjoying the atmosphere

There's always going to be somebody who takes a dislike to you and you can't waste time worrying about it.

Go in any direction..seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.

For an athlete, the biggest pressure comes from within. You know what you want to do and what you're capable of.

I've always been good at putting things behind me–I fall apart, do my crying bit, and then put it away and move on.

The Olympics is not a race I want to watch on television and think 'I wonder what I could have done if I was there?

I don't really have an explanation. I'm struggling myself to comprehend what has happened and find a reason for it.

Never set limits, go after your dreams, don't be afraid to push the boundaries. And laugh a lot - it's good for you!

Actually I don't choose to expose myself in public. I choose to compete; the other side just comes with the package.

I've always been good at putting things behind me - I fall apart, do my crying bit and then put it away and move it.

Yeah, ideally, I'd probably wish to be more anonymous. But scrutiny and success go together. And I want to be successful.

I actually got a nice surprise about being a mother because I expected it to be harder and to have to make more adaptations.

I felt totally myself, nothing like the emptiness and horrible feeling I had then [pulling out the Olympics] - no dizziness.

I have always run as hard as I can. You are not going to run any harder with or without men. You are running on your own two feet.

I was thinking back to all the time in the gym, working hard, and that spurred me on [winning New York marathon just ten months after giving birth

I prefer to be in tune with my surroundings and to be aware of things. I like listening to my foot strike and my breathing. It can be quite soothing.

I set myself some specific goals, but the key one is just getting myself into as good a shape as possible for one day this year: the Olympic marathon.

I've had a lot of success over the years racing in New York, but the main point is that I feel the marathon is a different event, a lot more my event.

I have always loved running on the roads, ever since I used to take part in relays for my club when I was 12 and 13. I felt really at home on the surface.

An Olympic medal won't define my whole life, although it might look like it to onlookers. When I look back, I should have been able to get an Olympic medal.

I have not had the chance to go out there and do myself justice in an Olympic marathon yet. I have not been able to get to an Olympic marathon injury-free yet.

People are lying when they say that their record being broken is good for the development of the event. I would like mine to remain as long as possible, please.

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