I felt a mandate to go on TV.

I have nothing to be sorry about.

I started with self gone missing.

I believe the bible helps yourself.

I think, for myself, life lied to me.

A spirit is a great definition for me.

I came out of my momma's womb fighting.

I believe that prosperity has a purpose.

I'm comfortable around just about everyone.

Mr. Trump is totally and entirely pro-life.

I believe God always listens to our prayers.

I have authentic wisdom to share with others.

You can't be a spiritual adviser and not pray.

We are not supposed to die until we are empty.

God has hooked me up.He has the life by design.

I have led many high-profile people to the Lord.

Do I believe that God is a sugar daddy? Not at all.

Anyone who tells you to deny yourself is from Satan.

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God.

I believe and have always believed in the Holy Trinity.

I have my own personal opinions, but they're just that.

Promotion is absolutely essential in the movie business.

As always, I am receptive to whatever doors God may open.

I don't go where I'm tolerated. I go where I'm celebrated.

In the Hebrew language, there's no such word as coincidence.

There's a lot of people that have influenced Mr. Trump's life.

Life events will not define who you are. God says who you are.

A good pastor knows when they can't put two sentences together.

First Fruits is more than just an offering... it's a principle.

I don't just get to wiggle my nose and money drops out of the sky.

God used Donald Trump in my life as much as I was used in his life.

I'm extremely proud of the ability to really go forth and minister.

I stay in my lane of assignment and do what I'm supposed to do in life.

I came to let you know, God is not going to his authenticity be destroyed.

Everyone needs a safe place in life, and pastors can be people's safe place.

First Fruits has impacted my life personally and the lives of countless others!

Do I recognize that I've been labeled as a prosperity preacher? I recognize that.

I think we try to box and put God in some limited definition, which is impossible.

I have been called a heretic, an apostate, an adulterer, a charlatan and an addict.

I preach salvation by grace through faith alone. I preach for the repentance of sin.

Your words are containers for power, and by the words you speak you frame your world!

If we are going to be compassionate, we have to have stricter border security and laws.

No one sets their life out and says, 'Boy, this is what I think I'm going to go through.'

It is through our prayers, through our acts of faith that God works in partnership with us.

Good means ultimately he's producing character in me to conform me into the image of Christ.

That's the principle I teach - find your passion in life and figure out a way to make money.

The theme of my life is overcoming. It is my personal mantra and what I help other people do.

Larry Jones with Feed the Children and I are partnering in New York and going into Rikers Island.

Bernie Sanders has never asked me, but I'm just saying if he did ask me to pray for him, I would.

When you go through abuse - the behavior - what happens is all behavior stems from faulty belief.

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