Stop being a consumer, fight the power!

I hate being called spoilt. My life is ordinary.

I want to be a good wife, a good mother, a good person.

I hate ridiculous names; my weird name has haunted me all my life.

I didn't start grieving for my mother properly until I was maybe 16.

I don't feel like I need to be a successor to my mother, or her work.

I remember the day my mother died, and it's still hard to talk about it. I just blocked it out.

You're required to be outspoken in journalism, and in television you're exposed anyway, because everyone watches it.

People should just be aware of how they are eating... yesterday I had a McDonald's breakfast and pizza too - but that's bad.

A lot of paparazzi wanted to be real photographers but they failed, and they did that instead, and it's not right; it's stalking.

Our need to knock celebrities is...Twisted: it's deep in the mid-brain below the survival instinct. That lust to see a downfall. It's animalistic.

You know what I'm intrigued by? Like, space and wormholes and Stephen Hawking's theories and Richard Dawkins's theories. That's what I care about.

Broadsheets can be scathing. But I have respect for broadsheet journalists because they haven't succumbed to degrading themselves, to writing pidgin English with all these terrible colloquialisms, the phrasing of which is just, like, embarrassing.

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