Joking about violence is not funny.

I love female musicians, female singers.

I'm like Madonna, I'm not afraid to offend.

John Stamos is a good acquaintance of mine.

The more time goes by, the more I hate Ke$ha.

I have the Cuban gene of speaking very loudly.

I have a staff, but I still work insanely hard.

I'm that dude who will burst into song spontaneously.

I now see that I never needed to be so mean or cruel.

I'm actually a really nice guy with a really big heart.

I didn't even have a computer until I was twenty years old.

I won't say bad things about Angelina Jolie 'cuz I love her.

My story is the American dream that my parents fled Cuba for.

I've had a love-hate 'relationship with food for most of my life.

I'm lucky because my likeability is not crucial to my bankability.

I describe myself as boring; all I do is work, and I'm a music lover.

Pop is everything from Kanye West to Taylor Swift, it's all pop to me.

The most shocking and scandalous story will always get people's attention.

Being on the worst dressed list is better than not being on any list at all!

I think being fascinated by others is just who we are; we're curious creatures.

I'm not perfect, I'm not trying to be, but it's a constant journey and a process.

I want my kids to go to good schools, so I put pressure on myself to work harder.

I want to educate my daughter on presenting herself in the media and in the world.

Heavy metal is not usually my thing. But I love everything. I love good music, period.

I still want to be sassy and critical, but I can do it without having to be mean or nasty.

No matter what happens, I'm still Perez Hilton. I'm bigger than any one app or any one thing.

50 Cent should stick to what he does best, rapping, and leave the funny business to comedians.

I started blogging as a hobby, not really thinking anyone would read my site, just my friends.

I became a big boy without ever meaning to, or planning to and I had to play by the big-boy rules.

I have met Madonna. I have met Oprah Winfrey. I have met some of the most phenomenal people alive.

I'm a big fan of Lily Allen's music, but I'm not a fan of her personality. I differentiate the two.

It's fun to challenge yourself and take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves.

The best way for me to discover new music is through YouTube, and through my readers emailing me stuff.

Anyone that chooses to be an actor or politician is making a choice to lead their life in the public eye.

Musicians always respected me because they knew I'm a huge music lover and I know what I'm talking about.

Celebrities are losers; they don't want to date 'normal people.' They only want to date other celebrities.

Black is slimming. And so are layers and nice, long vertical stripes. They're obvious tips, but they work!

I don't really care if people don't like me. The only thing I care about is if they are reading my website.

Now if you know anything, or one thing about Perez Hilton, I think, is that I am not fake and I keep it real.

I think people are interested in celebrities because it's easy, disposable entertainment and it's fun escapism.

I was fat and ugly and never 'wanted to hook up - for a gay guy that's unheard of. I was like a monk or a priest.

My approach to parenting is the same as my approach to life: it's all about putting in the hours and working hard.

Sometimes people will sue me to make an example of me but I don't sit home worrying about it; I'm too busy working.

People don't know how to reach record labels, and a lot of time labels don't listen to stuff that's sent in randomly.

I had brainwashed myself into saying things like, 'If people don't like what I'm writing then they shouldn't read it.'

Even though you may think someone is a douche, you shouldn't mock a victim of violence because that victimizes them again.

I'll never take any credit for Lady Gaga or Katy Perry's success. But I knew within a month that Gaga was going to be huge.

I was one of the first to use the online medium as a way to talk about celebrity news in as close to real time as possible.

I grew up listening pretty much just to pop music. But the older I've gotten, the more varied my musical tastes have become.

The website is me. It's a reflection of my personality and my interests. It's the perfect marriage of my skills and experiences.

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