Libya is a huge disaster.

Governing has always been hard.

I've got a lot of respect for Mike Hayden.

I think cleaning house at the CIA needed to happen.

Consumer accountability drives quality and efficiency.

The fact is that no foreign-policy doctrine is perfect.

The need to remove Col. Qaddafi should be self-evident.

The silence caused by politicizing speech is deafening.

Nobody walks away with everything they want in politics.

Decisions concerning covert actions are not often easily reached.

Obama's 'reset' with Russia and 'pivot' to Asia never materialized.

Good governance requires working toward common ground. It isn't easy.

Complying with requests from Congress is not optional. It is mandatory.

Accepting Syrian refugees into the United States is an emotional issue.

It seems that whenever America faced a challenge, it faced it and overcame it.

Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.

Sports are trivial compared to matters of war and peace, but some parallels apply.

We can find common ground in agreeing that politics have no room in foreign policy.

ISIS filled the vacuum in Iraq and Syria created by a lack of effective governance.

Obamacare became the disaster that its detractors always said that it would become.

Choices abound in the free market. Choice creates real and immediate accountability.

The U.S. cannot survive another four years of the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton regime.

Boko Haram, by itself, has destroyed large areas in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.

Demanding an end to partisan bickering on foreign policy is not an unrealistic requirement.

The West needs leaders with the courage and the will to fight the scourge of radical Islam.

America needs a bipartisan foreign policy that is predictable, pragmatic, and understandable.

The primary role of government is to provide for the safety and security of their populations.

A wounded Qaddafi still in power would be an ongoing threat and menace to the rest of the world.

The Kurds in Iraq just don't have enough military equipment - they also need humanitarian relief.

Not once during Obama's tenure did the country achieve an annual 3 percent rate of economic growth.

Obama sought a strategy of accommodating our enemies, even if they weren't so willing to accommodate us.

An issue that really concerned me when I was on the House Intelligence Committee was the quality of analysis.

House Speaker John Boehner and presumed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell understand the art of politics.

Once the U.S. and NATO walked away from Libya, a chaotic, lawless state in the soft underbelly of Europe arose.

The Panetta/Petraeus combo is a powerful tandem. I've seen both of them up close and personal at the CIA and in Iraq.

The Islamic State has proven that terrorists can seize and deploy modern military equipment on lesser-armed opponents.

America is the freest country on the planet, but for Snowden, this isn't enough. He is a state diplomat in Snowden land.

Western Europe has been redefining the nation state since 1945 when it formed the European Union following World War II.

The danger of having the military take over intelligence is that the military has a very different perspective on the world.

The Obama-Clinton administration gambled with America's national security by embracing radical jihadists, and the world lost.

I'm not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions chanting and swearing, but it is their constitutional right.

Choosing to arm and train the Islamist opposition against dictator Moammar Gadhafi unleashed its most ruthless terrorist elements.

After the heavily politicized 2007 Iran NIE, many of us in Congress found it hard to take some intelligence analysis at face value.

Gadhafi opponents included many 'good guys,' but they never received the support necessary to govern a new Libya after he was gone.

Briefly after the 9/11 attacks, Republicans and Democrats were united in identifying the evil of the radical jihadists and fighting it.

America needs to fully grasp the lessons learned from our history of fighting radical jihadists. There have been successes and failures.

Ensuring that the intelligence community adheres to its responsibilities to report on its activities to Congress is absolutely essential.

Clinton appears to be the sole holdout in the Obama administration in understanding the catastrophe caused by its foreign policy in Libya.

I will never forget standing with fellow members of Congress on the steps of the Capitol to sing 'God Bless America' on the night of 9/11.

World leaders need to approach the problems in the Middle East and northern Africa with imaginative ideas such as those that created the E.U.

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