I know guys. I know the way they think.

Usually, you can shoot a movie in 10 or 12 weeks.

Movie 43 is about the hardest R Rated comedy ever.

You know, I'm not sure I ever even had a blind date!

'Movie 43' is about the hardest R Rated comedy ever.

If you work with Jim Carrey, you're working with the best.

You can't control the way people are going to describe you.

We've had no problems with the actors, but we keep a really loose set.

Anybody who is a fan of any team is going to recognize themselves in this.

I do know this: When somebody has to look great on the screen, that's the death of funny.

There is a point you can definitely lose the audience and sometimes you don't know where it is.

I always loved Kate Winslet, but after you meet her you really love her because she's a cool chick.

Everything's a lot easier when you work with someone you know just about as well as you know yourself.

If I was not allowed to mention that I was in the film industry, I could go six months without getting a kiss.

The guy I've never worked with that is pissing me off is Tom Hanks. I want to work with Tom Hanks more than anyone.

To the critics: You always complain that Hollywood never gives you new stuff, and then when you get it, you flip out. Lighten up.

With all of my films if I get one bad review and a bunch of good reviews the bad one is the only one that will stay with me, which really sucks!

We really love all sports, but we don't think in the long term. The reason we did Kingpin was because there was a script we really liked and we saw the possibilities.

There are a lot of laughs in this movie, but it's not just about the laughs. It's really about the story, about a guy who finds his soul and realizes what's truly important.

Don't ever rob a bank. Enjoy life. Have fun. Choose to be happy now; don't wait until you're 'successful,' because honestly, I was as happy when we were unemployed and scrounging around for a buck.

I always take kind of a zen view of casting and I really don't remember people who passed. I kind of turn it over to the universe and figure, 'Wow, I guess that wasn't meant to be.' It doesn't sit with me.

I think comedy in the last 5-7 years is as good as it's ever been in America. I like it when people push it. You go through periods where people did not push the envelope. The more you push it, the funnier you get.

I know this is silly, it's shallow, it's bad, I wish I wasn't this way-but if I meet a girl with no teeth, I just don't want to date her. It's creepy of me, I wish I was a bigger person, but that's my real turn-off.

Nine out of 10 times these guys will hit it-they'll be on something incredibly funny, but one out of 10, two out of 10, they'll fall flat on their faces. That's what makes them great actors: they take those chances, they don't play it safe.

Our feeling is that the most important thing on a set is that actors have enough confidence to try different things. If there's stress or tension, they won't go out on a limb because they won't want to embarrass themselves if they don't feel completely comfortable.

They're happy to be Siamese twins. They feel blessed. But the rest of us have to go through the world alone. And they don't. And because they have this great attitude, they have a lot of friends. They were the kings of the prom. You know, they were in the state championship hockey team. You know, they're the goalie. And it's just they're a couple of winners who happen to be Siamese twins.

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