We've got to get in to get out.

Surround yourself with brilliance.

Fear, she's the mother of violence.

In some ways, I'm just a visual person.

Whenever we defend democracy we find oil.

It's only in uncertainty that we're naked and alive.

Whistling tunes we're kissing baboons in the jungle.

One doubt, one voice, one war, one truth, one dream.

In your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand churches.

I come to you defenses down with the trust of a child.

I look at the time with you to keep me awake and alive.

You can blow out a candle, but you can't blow out a fire.

The outside world is black and white with only one color dead.

Sometimes a creative environment affects what happens within it.

I hold the line, the line of strength that pulls me from the fear.

Deadlines are things that we pass through on the way to finishing.

I like the touch and the smell of all the pretty dresses you wear.

I get lost, sometimes. Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart.

Words, they climb all over you/'Til they uncover you From where you hide.

There's a Slow Food movement. I think I'm part of the Slow Music movement.

Once the flames begin to catch the wind will blow it higher, oh Biko, Biko.

Italian food is my favorite food. It's the most sophisticated eating system.

I stood in this unsheltered place, 'til I could see the face behind the face.

Artists everywhere steal mercilessly all the time and I think this is healthy.

A record for us that sells 50,000 is a good record, and 100,000 is a serious hit.

All of the buildings, all of those cars Were once just a dream In somebodys head.

People have the strength to overcome their bodies. Their beauty is in their minds.

With no guilt and no shame, no sorrow or blame. Whatever it is, we are all the same.

I didn't leave the band to go solo so much as to stop feeling like a production item.

Studios always seem to be in basements without natural light and with black everything.

As many an architect will tell you, human behavior changes according to the environment.

At the heart, it is world music that I do. It's all connections. Ultimately, we're all connected.

Holding still for a moment, what a moment this is, Oh for a moment of forgetting, a moment of bliss

With the man in the woman, and the woman in the man. In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man.

Music is a spiritual doorway. ... Its power comes from the fact that It plugs directly into the soul.

What intrigues me is that you get a good bunch of musicians together, and interesting things will happen.

Self-conscious, uncertain, I'm showered by the dust. But the spirit enters into me and I submit to trust.

Those of us who have the eyes and ears of the media have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the voiceless.

Yeah, in the digital world, it is so much easier to put stuff out without a great deal of paraphernalia and fanfare.

Whenever there's a camera around, a video or film camera, it's a great deal harder for those in power to bury the story.

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk from sleepy tears undone, from nippled skin as smooth as silk the bugles blown as one.

I think the rhythm is like the spine of the piece. If you change that, then the body that forms around it is changed as well.

Dream big and surround yourself with brilliance, even if you end up dressed up like a flower or a sexually transmitted disease.

With this darkness all around me, I like to be liked. In this emptiness and fear, I want to be wanted. Cause I love to be loved.

I really wanted the first record to be different from what I'd done with Genesis, so we were trying to do things in different styles.

Having lots of people talking highly of you and respecting your art and your work, this is one of the best feelings that you can have.

The book of love has music in it In fact that's where music comes from Some of it is just transcendental Some of it is just really dumb

I love 5.1. Sometimes you can't squeeze everything in comfortably into a stereo picture. There is a lot more space in a 5.1 environment.

I was very happy to learn Oliver Stone had decided to make a film about Edward Snowden and believe this is a powerful and inspiring film.

The rhythm is below me, the rhythm of the heat. The rhythm is around me, the rhythm has control. The rhythm is inside me, the rhythm has my soul.

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