I'm not a regret guy.

I haven't got a real job.

Defeat is always momentary.

Rivalry doesn't help anybody.

You never make movies for Oscars.

I love collaborating with people.

I think 'Jaws' is a remarkable film.

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

We've all forgotten how to be original.

Prosthetic makeup is always frustrating.

'The Return Of The King' has a conclusion.

Once upon a time, sound was new technology.

Remember, pain is temporary; film is forever.

The vast majority of the CGI budget is labor.

I'm thinking about doing a First World War film.

If you work at love, you will find love at work.

What I don't like are pompous, pretentious movies.

I've always been happy to take a gamble on myself.

You can't always look at life as a miserable thing.

Learning how to edit movies was a real breakthrough.

I love Bilbo Baggins. I relate really well to Bilbo!

I never wanted to do 'The Hobbit' in the first place.

The only thing about 3-D is the dullness of the image.

I can't take responsibility for everyone's employment.

New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.

I regard myself as an entertainer much more than an artist.

I mean, I didn't have a huge upbringing with movies, I guess.

It's not a happy time when a film drops dead on your doorstep.

I was bullied and regarded as little bit of an oddball myself.

Critics in particular treat CGI as a virus that's infecting film.

The most honest form of filmmaking is to make a film for yourself.

We are living in an age where teenagers are not going to the movies.

I don't really want to make a stylized film or anything too surreal.

So many film makers are scared of visual effects - which is no crime.

I hope one day that I'll get to make another horror film; I'd love to.

I just got to the point where I literally didn't want anyone else to do it.

It's not going to be too much longer before Xbox Live produces programming.

There is a lot of 'Halo' movie material no one has ever seen in New Zealand.

I think there's still a little bit of that 9 year-old in me and I'm pretty happy.

I didn't want my kids having to pass through an airport named after their father.

Filmmaking for me is always aiming for the imaginary movie and never achieving it.

Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.

As a filmmaker, you want nothing more than to have people say, 'I love your movie.'

Continuing advances in stem cell medicine will change all of our lives for the better.

The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most dependable forms of filmmaking.

There are a couple of locations in 'The Hobbit' that are shared with 'Lord of the Rings.'

Where film is infinitely superior to any other medium is emotion and story and character.

I always have had a slightly jaundiced view about people who promote books about themselves.

I am not anti-media at all. But the media, the news anywhere in the world, is based on drama.

I'm always embarrassed by those rugby player autobiographies which get written by journalists.

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