Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.

The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation.

Unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

Enthusiasm is not contrary to reason; it is reason - on fire.

Get off, you look ugly (to a blood splattered player during a game)

Give according to your income lest God make your income according to your giving.

The proof of how real Jesus knew hell to be is that He came to earth to save us from it.

Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work.

I am growing more and more aware that all too often we preachers aim at nothing and hit it.

Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we do not want to do it.

Lord, where we are wrong, make us willing to change; where we are right, make us easy to live with.

The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration.

May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.

The resurrection never becomes a fact of experience until the risen Lord lives in the heart of the believer.

It is better to fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail.

If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you.

The use of the right word, the exact word, is the difference between a pencil with a sharp point and a thick crayon.

God hasn't given up on you. He can still do great things for you, in you, and through you. God is ready and waiting and able.

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.

Christianity is a power religion. Christ has the power to re-create men from the inside out, as every man who has ever met Him knows.

God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.

Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition.

I know that no business contract, no order or commercial consideration can ever be worth the happiness of one's home or the peace of one's mind.

Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.

God hasn't given up on you. He can still do great things for you, in you, and through you. God is ready and waiting and able. What about you, and me?

Church members in too many cases are like deep sea divers, encased in the suits designed for many fathoms deep, marching bravely to pull out plugs in bathtubs.

Let us not fool ourselves - without Christianity, without Christian education, without the principles of Christ inculcated into young life, we are simply rearing pagans.

The aim is not therefore to liberate some 'essential self' by throwing off the burden of government and the State, but to develop the self in creative and voluntary relations with others.

Sometimes this going out in obedience to God's command is more dramatic than at other times... sometimes more spectacular... sometimes more brave... but always it is a venture into the unknown.

The true minister is in his pulpit not because he has chosen that profession as an easy means of livelihood, but because he could not help it, because he has obeyed an imperious summons that will not be denied.

Godly enthusiasm is not a fire of our own kindling...If a man, however, has caught fire, let me not quench the Spirit by dampening the ardor of his pure devotion. Enthusiasm is not contrary to reason; it is reason - on fire.

I could never describe it to anyone how I knew, but there was no mistaking it. One moment, I was walking along undecided - and the next moment, I knew that it was God's will for me to go to America. I don't think I could describe it any more accurately.

Human nature must be changed if we are ever to have an end to war or to correct the wrong situations that make our lives uneasy and our hearts sore. Now Christianity, the power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God, is the only force that can change people for good.

This is a day of little faith - of few convictions - a day when men seem to have no great causes and no great passions. So in frustration, in disappointment, they are inclined to say, 'You can't change human nature.' It is true that we cannot change human nature. But God can.

In the name of Jesus Christ, who was never in a hurry, we pray, O God, that You will slow us down, for we know that we live too fast. With all of eternity before us, make us take time to live---time to get acquainted with You, time to enjoy Your blessings, and time to know each other.

Out of profound gratitude for my adopted country, I can only say that I would like in this land to live and die, and while I live to help other people as much as possible, believing that only in service to other people can I possibly express my gratitude for all that America has done for me.

If God does not enter your kitchen, there is something wrong with your kitchen. If you can't take God into your recreation, there is something wrong with your play. We all believe in the God of the heroic. What we need most these days is the God of the humdrum, the commonplace, the everyday.

A man walks on through life - with the external call ringing in his ears but with no response stirring in his heart, and then suddenly, without any warning, the Spirit taps him on the shoulder. What happens? He turns 'round. The word 'repentance' means 'turning 'round.' He repents and believes and is saved.

We ministers have undoubtedly failed to connect and apply Christianity to the practical everyday problems of the average man. In this, we have failed to follow in Christ's footsteps. For the religion which He taught and revealed in His own life and ministry was an intensely practical and down-to-earth affair.

Whatever its future success as a historical movement, anarchism will remain a fundamental part of human experience, for the drive for freedom is one of our deepest needs and the vision of a free society is one of our oldest dreams. Neither can ever be fully repressed; both will outlive all rulers and their States.

The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration. I am rather tired of hearing about our rights and privileges as Americans. The time is come - it is now - when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities of our citizenship. America's future depends upon her accepting and demonstrating God's government.

No tabloid will ever print the startling news that the mummified body of Jesus of Nazareth has been discovered in old Jerusalem. Christians have no carefully embalmed body enclosed in a glass case to worship. Thank God, we have an empty tomb. The glorious fact that the empty tomb proclaims to us is that life for us does not stop when death comes. Death is not a wall, but a door.

The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal challenge--that of being a godly woman. The very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom to we hear of a godly woman--or of a godly man either, for that matter. I believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else.

You are leaving port under sealed orders and in a troubled period. You cannot know whither you are going or what you are to do. But why not take the Pilot on board who knows the nature of your sealed orders from the outset, and who will shape your entire voyage accordingly? He knows the shoals and the sand banks, the rocks and the reefs, He will steer you safely into that celestial harbor where your anchor will be cast for eternity. Let His almighty nail-pierced hands hold the wheel, and you will be safe.

We pray Thee, O Christ, to keep us under the spell of immortality. My we never again think and act as if Thou were dead. Let us more and more come to know Thee as a living Lord who hath promised to them that believe: "Because I live, ye shall live also." Help us to remember that we are praying to the Conqueror of Death, that we may no longer be afraid nor dismayed by the world's problems and threats, since Thou hast overcome the world. In Thy strong name, we ask for Thy living presence and Thy victorious power. Amen.

Above all, we should question the consumer ethic, which uses up non-renewable resources, creates inequality and injustice, generates pollution, destroys other species and upsets the balance of nature. The consumer ethic not only defiles the environment by creating undesirable change in the biosphere but also corrupts the mind and body by defining pleasure in terms of ownership and absorption. Waste itself is a human concept; everything in nature is eventually used. If human beings carry on in their present ways, they will one day be recycled along with the dinosaurs.

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