Ethics is inescapable.

Probability is the guide of life, and of death, too.

The future of the world depends on how well we meet it.

Bush doesn't present himself as a realpolitik politician.

Even with censorship, the Internet is a force for change.

Every day we act in ways that reflect our ethical judgements.

If you earn a lot of money, you can give away a lot of money.

More often there's a compromise between ethics and expediency.

Human beings are social animals. We were social before we were human.

It is a mistake to assume that the law should always enforce morality.

To turn the other cheek is to teach would-be cheats that cheating pays.

The principles of ethics come from our own nature as social, reasoning beings.

Torturing a human being is almost always wrong, but it is not absolutely wrong.

The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is medieval.

Knowing that we can control our own behaviour makes it more likely that we will.

If we ever do find a better system, I'll be happy to call myself an anti-capitalist.

I think ethics is always there; it's not always a very thoughtful or reflective ethics.

We tend to think that people are more to blame for their acts than for their omissions.

We should give the same respect to the lives of animals as we do to the lives of humans.

We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet- for the sake of hamburgers

I do not believe that it could never be justifiable to experiment on a brain-damaged human.

I don't think there's anything in the compromise that means that there's a clash of ethics.

The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world.

You shouldn't say 'animals' to distinguish between humans and non-humans. We are all animals.

I find it extraordinary that anyone would have an intellectual conversion to Roman Catholicism.

Scholars have long dreamed of a universal library containing everything that has ever been written.

If penicillin had been judged by its toxicity to guinea pigs, it might never have been used by man.

Ethics seems a morass which we have to cross, but get hopelessly bogged in when we make the attempt.

I think I get angry when people cause serious suffering or don't alleviate suffering when they could.

Cheats prosper until there are enough who bear grudges against them to make sure they do not prosper.

According to the Dominant Western tradition, the natural world exists for the benefit of human beings.

I don't think nationalism is alone holding the field; it's in contention with a lot of different things.

But I think the majority of cows, and even more so chickens and pigs, are leading pretty miserable lives.

Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.

Science does not stand still, and neither does philosophy, although the latter has a tendency to walk in circles.

Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition.

In appropriate circumstances we are justified in using humans to achieve goals (or the goal of assisting animals).

Diamonds have an image of purity and light. They are given as a pledge of love and worn as a symbol of commitment.

The capacity to reason is a special sort of capacity because it can lead us to places that we did not expect to go.

Personal purity isn’t really the issue. Not supporting animal abuse – and persuading others not to support it – is.

Since ancient times, philosophers have maintained that to strive too hard for one's own happiness is self-defeating.

All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals.

All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals.

Even in non-democratic countries, people have a legitimate interest in knowing about actions taken by the government.

Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other members of their group.

There is a growing movement called effective altruism. It's important because it combines both the heart and the head.

There is no humane slaughter requirement for wild fish caught and killed at sea, nor, in most places, for farmed fish.

What one generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts; and the third shudders when it looks back on what the first did.

In most of the world, it is accepted that if animals are to be killed for food, they should be killed without suffering.

Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people.

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