I always like to do things the right way.

You need to defend as a team to defend well.

The big teams are about the Champions League.

It's normal in a top club that people change.

When you make a mistake, you have to admit it.

It's always good to have the right call in the end.

In big clubs, you always have competitions for places.

Football is a wonderful game which can be cruel at times.

Every time you can score more goals you should try to do so.

Every time Luis Suarez is close, he pushes defenders around.

True fans will appreciate what I've done and the legacy I've left.

Every team needs people who guide you through the difficult moments.

Football is a collective sport, but goalkeeping is an individual sport.

Managers come and go, and first-team coaches and players can leave suddenly.

Unfortunately, the manager is always the one who gets under pressure the most.

Every summer at a club is important because you have some changes in the squad.

If a team concedes a goal, then the first question is always of the goalkeeper.

I know I could be a goalkeeper coach - I feel I am better suited to be a manager.

As a player, you try your best to make things happen, and the rest is up to others.

Sometimes, if a striker is not scoring as many goals, they can still be in good form.

I think once you understand a language, you understand the culture surrounding it as well.

Obviously, every player wants to keep their spot in the starting line-up, and I'm the same.

I like people who tell you what they think straight away instead of going around in circles.

There are some people who have left me negative messages, but they aren't true Chelsea fans.

You can be the best manager in the world, but if the players don't trust you, it will never work.

It's always better if you have one manager for a long period because then you can build the team.

One day, if I feel the fear of putting my head in the middle of some battle or scrum, then I stop.

I'm so focused on the game that I hardly understand what the people sing or shout or what they do.

As a player, it's better to wait a moment for the correct call than be let down by an incorrect call.

Jose Mourinho doesn't have a magic wand, and you wave the wand, and everything goes the way you want.

Arsenal is a team who challenge for the top and definitely match my ambitions and personal motivation.

Sometimes, when you have a young team full of enthusiasm, they don't feel any pressure; they just play.

I had a depressed skull fracture. A few pieces of bone went in quite deep; that was the biggest danger.

I've played under different managers, different styles, and most of my career, I was asked to play long.

You can't control games for 90 minutes; there will be moments where the opponents will show their quality.

Who is the best goalkeeper in the world? It's always hard to choose because there are so many great goalkeepers.

There are so many things that a goalkeeper coming to the Premier League has not experienced in a different league.

There is always a lot of pressure at Chelsea, but we are used to this and have to make sure we keep winning games.

Once the surgeon said the skull is strong enough with the helmet on, I decided to return to training with the team.

Sometimes in the Premier League, you are in a game where you can't play nice football because you just wouldn't win it.

I would like to be a manager, to organize everything in training, see if my philosophy could work, and give it to the team.

I don't like running that much, and during the off-season, I have to do it, but if I can replace it with tennis, it is better.

You always have years when you go through transition and the side needs to be rebuilt. Or you have changes in terms of managers.

I don't do nervous, really. You always have to respect your opponent, respect the game of football, and be 100 per cent focused.

Even if you have won it before, you just want to keep winning the Champions League. Every season, the ambition is to win the competition.

When I was in high school, I started learning English as my second foreign language, but my level of English at that time was very average.

Obviously, as long as I enjoy it, I'm fit, and have the desire to work 100 per cent every day with the same motivation, then I want to play.

All managers have a different playing style and football philosophy. What's important for players is being able adapt to those different styles.

Chelsea has grown in my heart, not just because of my team-mates and all the people that work for the club but also because of their fantastic fans.

I think it's very useful when you want to be the team who create. You need to create this superiority at the back when you build up using the goalkeepers.

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