Ray Rice was beat up last year

Hardly anything wrong can go bad.

The Denver Broncos are all child molesters

Too much thinking is a bad thing sometimes.

Talk radio has almost ruined the sports fan.

The more angles I see, the more confused I get.

As a quarterback, can you throw it where you are looking?

I haven't thought about it. I'm not capable of deep thinking.

Remember, for it to be a forward pass, it's got to go forward.

You better...buckle uh down and then tighten up to stop this passing game

So many QBs throw the ball down the field, that's wrong. Watch Aaron Rodger throw it up the field

Of course it looks bad when you're not executing. When things go bad, it's not going to look good.

I'm not a guy that believes you've got to have a lot of experience to have success in the playoffs.

Sometimes, it's good to have a tremendous star, because everyone understands he has to get the ball.

People go, 'Hey, did you do anything special for the Super Bowl?' Well no, I like to think I do the same amount of work every week getting ready for a game.

I don't care what you think of Michael Vick - whether you think he's being mistreated or misused, or just think he's not that good, whatever. He can play for my team any day

I criticize a lot of players and coaches. But I back it up with facts. A lot of times guys get mad at me because someone told them what I said. I say, 'You're wrong: Go check the tape.

I criticize a lot of players and coaches. But I back it up with facts. A lot of times guys get mad at me because someone told them what I said. I say, 'You're wrong: Go check the tape.'

Playing well and winning the Super Bowl helped my credibility. Otherwise, when Id give an opinion, people would say, What has he done? If I didnt win that Super Bowl, Id probably be coaching somewhere. TV would not be an option for me. So, (winning the Super Bowl) does help.

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