A country's middle class is its bedrock.

Marketing is a race without a finishing line

Today you have to run faster to stay in place.

Don’t buy market share. Figure out how to earn it.

Curiosity is the starting point for great science.

The best advertising is done by satisfied customers.

The future isn’t ahead of us. It has already happened.

The internet will create the winnerand bury the laggards.

Your company does not belong inmarkets where it cannot be the best.

Good companies will meet needs; great companies will create markets.

Great insight comes from seeing something as odd and finding out why.

It is no longer enough to satisfy your customers. You must delight them.

Marketing is becoming a battle based on information than on sales power.

Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately, it takes a lifetime to master.

Watch the product life cycle; but more important, watch the market life cycle.

The successful salesperson cares first for the customer, second for the products.

Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make!

The theory of marketing is solid but the practice of marketing leaves much to be desired.

The best way to hold customers is to constantly figure out how to give them more for less.

It is more important to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable.

Every business is a service business. Does your service put a smile on the customer's face?

There is no such thing as a commodity. It is simply a product waiting to be differentiated.

The most important thing is to forecast where customers are moving, and be in front of them.

Every company should work hard to obsolete its own product line - before its competitors do.

Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges.

My parents, and their interest in making the world a better place for more people inspired me.

The sales department isn’t the whole company, but the whole company better be the sales department.

Whenever someone wonders how I could have written 57 books, I remind them that Isaac Asimov wrote 500 books.

Poor firms ignore their competitors; average firms copy their competitors; winning firms lead their competitors.

Competitive advantage is a companys ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.

Companies pay too much attention to the cost of doing something. They should worry more about the cost of not doing it.

Many great ideas need refreshment and deeper analysis. "Freedom," for example, is a great idea but it has become a cliché.

Integrated marketing communications is a way of looking at the whole marketing process from the view point of the customer.

In fact, Capitalism has a vested interest in creating new wants and making people unhappy until they acquire the next good.

Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.

Good customers are an asset which, when wellmanaged and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company.

Today's smart marketers don't sell products; they sell benefit packages. They don't sell purchase value only; they sell use value.

There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market.

The key to branding, especially for smaller firms, is to focus on a limited number of issue areas and develop superb expertise in those areas.

We should tax every company's carbon footprint and the carbon footprint of every building and home, to incentivize people to reduce their carbon footprint.

Our legislators have become a set of "whores" open to the highest bidders. The problem is that if we try to limit lobbying, we are in effect limiting free speech.

The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you arenot a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner.

People are more comfortable with the familiar. It takes selling a big dream that comes with excellent income possibility to get someone to leave his or her comfort zone.

Leaders such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Franklin D. Roosevelt and others promulgated a vision and a moving story of how their people could achieve a great purpose.

Republicans talk loudly about freedom and yet are against a women deciding what's best for her own body and are against the freedom of two people of the same sex to marry.

CEOs need to produce continuous growth in sales and profits. Yet they must also invest in sustainability and social responsibility, which then leave them less money for financing their growth.

A great leader is one who surrounds himself with great people who then, collectively, innovate and implement with success. If he tries to do it all by himself, he is an egotist and likely to fail.

People who lack material wealth, who are poor, won't be very happy. They will be obsessed with meeting their bills at pay day. And people who have an abundance of material goods are often not happy.

When it comes to efficiency and effectiveness, I would always start with effectiveness. I am interested in achieving a certain outcome. Only secondarily do I worry about achieving it as efficiently as possible.

There is much work to do to protect forests from over-timbering and oceans and lakes from over-fishing. We need to encourage and reward companies that create jobs to reduce the carbon footprints of offices and buildings and homes.

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