I'm fabulous on a budget.

I am a grizzly New Yorker.

I'm not a caffeine person.

I love sending flowers! It's the best.

Sometimes it's good to act responsibly.

I'm a nail biter and have been my whole life.

I like the gym the best when it's mostly empty.

I love any TV show that has to do with singing.

Comedy is subjective, and any joke can be funny.

Spending $40,000 on shoes is downright ignorant.

The 'X-Men' franchise has not been a perfect one.

Guys say 'like' all the time, and no one notices it.

I think that comfort is underrated in a lot of ways.

I'm easily frightened and am somewhat of a squeamish person.

I will allow myself to sleep in until 9 A.M. on the weekends.

Arcade Fire always churns out music that makes me want to move.

I'm really into short-story collections and essays; they're my jam.

You got a snaggletooth? Show it off. You have an overbite? Bite some more.

I've experienced harassment. I've had male comedians be very inappropriate.

Flashback episodes are a tried-and-true sitcom device, but they always work!

It's just a wild experience to have thousands of people stand up and cheer for you.

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are two of the most charming A-listers in Hollywood.

Making tough decisions that may make someone unhappy is something to get good at doing.

The Roots know how to give their audience some medicine without them even realizing it.

I don't think people realize what it's like for people of color to audition for film and TV.

Anyone who does stand-up comedy can agree that doing a late-night spot is a dream of theirs.

Feminism is being broken open, to welcome more people than just white women of a certain class.

If I'm going to be completely honest, I did not get the appeal of IFC's 'Portlandia' initially.

While complex acting roles are lacking for actresses, what's even more rare are female directors.

I think people just don't respect women's bodies in general, the bodies of women of color in general.

Typically, in New York, there are so many comics on a single lineup that you can only do eight minutes.

Seriously, show me a person who's not into Tom Hanks, and I'll show you a person who is anti-happiness.

Let's be real: more often than not, Hollywood does not have three-dimensional characters for women to play.

If I have a daughter and she grows up to be an astronaut, she's gonna end up on a Black History Month stamp.

As a kid I used to always write these stories... some of them were really cute; some of them were kind of crazy.

Sometimes when people start dating a hot piece, they take on some of their boo's characteristics unintentionally.

I love how Shakespeare can really rip your heart out one second and then make you laugh the next. He's a master writer.

I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. I was the only black girl in my grade. And I was just, like, really dorky. Like, I wasn't cool.

I love how most people in 'Sixteen Candles' don't actually look their age. It adds to the movie's funky and low-budget vibe.

I like hot people being hot. How else do you explain my high school infatuation with Ricky Martin in all his shirtless glory?

With '2 Dope Queens,' with stand-up, and also with 'Sooo Many White Guys,' the interview stuff that I do, I really am a fan first.

I'm a sucker for two things: Adam Lambert and songs that start out as emo as a sad episode of 'Felicity' and then drop. That. Beat.

I think what's good is that men are now realizing that life is not a buffet where you just get to pick and choose whatever you want.

One of the great things about 'The Voice' is that all the judges sing their own hits, as well as covers, and do duets with each other.

There's so many careers that didn't happen because women are like, 'I can't deal with this harassment. I'm going to leave this industry.'

I thought I was going to be a serious screenwriter and produce serious films. It was going to be 'American Beauty' and very important work.

It is utterly asinine that people continually go to comedy shows without bothering to see if their sensibilities line up with the comedians.

'SNL' has always been known for its ability to skewer politics, and the circus that was Palin's bid to be Vice President was ripe for parody.

Just like anyone else, I watch a lot of reality TV yet will turn my nose up at some of it, e.g., ABC's 'Splash,' because I think I'm above it.

I have watched every single season of 'American Idol' since the beginning, when Ryan Seacrest co-hosted with Brian Dunkleman. Brian who? Exactly.

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