Feelings change facts.

Truth is its own defense.

There is no thermometer for wants!

to everything there is an end - except fear.

What are so mysterious as the eyes of a child?

To be in the right is often an expensive business.

Anger is like mild, it should not be kept too long.

... can life be made undignified by any act of man?

No emergency excuses you from exercising tolerance.

hurt vanity is one of the cruelest of mortal wounds.

... a woman who has been a nun is never anything else.

We do good by ourselves, but we seldom do wrong alone.

A blossom must break the sheath it has been sheltered by.

... the ears of the hunted grow even keener than a hunter's.

Nobody can afford to appear more pleasant than they really are!

Where there is laughter there is always more health than sickness.

People who talk of new lives believe there will be no new troubles.

it is the possibilities which are the most terrible things in life.

We cannot alter facts, but we can alter our ways of looking at them.

When lightning strikes, the mouse is sometimes burned with the farm.

Marriage! ... Why, it is like living in a thimble with a hippopotamus!

There's nothing final about a mistake, except its being taken as final.

Poets, when they write of love, give themselves and everyone else away!

The two best subjects for conversation are talking shop and making love.

It is a very dangerous thing to have an idea that you will not practice.

It is very a dangerous thing to have an idea that you will not practice.

There is nothing final about a mistake, except its being taken as final.

Some of us cling to our curses if we haven't anything better to cling to!

Truth is no man's slave - but lies - what magnificent servants they make.

... one pets what one degrades; and one has to support what one has enfeebled

Death deceives relations often, and doctors sometimes, but the patient - never.

If money had been the way to save the world, Christ himself would have been rich.

When you know a person particularly well, you cannot escape their ruffled feelings.

When we refuse to accept our limitations, Nature, who is a stern realist, pays us out.

Time indeed has very little to do with living except at its beginning or near its end.

If one has one cow, it is always better not to be too familiar with those who have seven.

Knowledge cannot be changed, but the use to which it may be put can very easily be changed.

with courage a human being is safe enough. And without it - he is never for one instant safe!

A red-hot belief in eternal glory is probably the best antidote to human panic that there is.

Curses are children of hate; they belong to the wrong family! Prayers are better than curses!

the unfortunate thing about worldliness is that its rewards are rather less than its appetites.

it is better in the long run to be cheated than to cheat. I have learned that there is no middle way.

... not being liked has a certain virtue about it, if the reason for the dislike does not lie in yourself!

There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them.

Truth, though it has many disadvantages, is at least changeless. You can always find it where you left it.

There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.

It's a good thing to learn early that other people's opinions do not matter, unless they happen to be true.

To see a shadow and think it is a tree that is a pity; but to see a tree and to think it a shadow can be fatal.

A refugee is as helpless as a new born child - but not so appealing! Besides, a new born child has no memories!

Luck enters into every contingency. You are a fool if you forget it -- and a greater fool if you count upon it.

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