As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, ...

As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am free to print anything.

Nowadays what isn't worth saying is sung.

If a thing isn't worth saying, you sing it.

Vilify, Vilify, some of it will always stick.

Vilify! Vilify! Some of it will always stick.

Be commonplace and creeping and you'll be a success.

Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.

Today if something is not worth saying, people sing it.

I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.

To make a living, craftiness is better than learnedness.

Honest men love women; those who deceive them adore them.

Without pleasure man would live like a fool and soon die.

I make myself laugh at everything, so that I do not weep.

I would rather worry without need than live without heed.

Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.

The same wind that extinguishes a light can set a brazier on fire.

I hasten to laugh at everything, for fear of being obliged to weep.

Calumniate, calumniate; there will always be something which sticks.

To obtain a woman who loves you, you must treat her as if she didn't.

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.

A writer's inspiration is not just to create. He must eat three times a day.

It is by no means necessary to understand things to speak confidently about them.

Plays, gentlemen, are to their authors what children are to women: they cost more pain than they give pleasure.

Because you are a great lord, you believe yourself to be a great genius. You took the trouble to be born, but no more.

Drinking when we are not thirsty and making love at all seasons, madam: that is all there is to distinguish us from other animals.

Can love and peace live in the same heart? Youth is unhappy because it is faced with this terrible choice; love without peace, or peace without love.

I grant men the land, the government, the wealth, all the chances. I accept that you have to hold all the cards, since that's the only way you know how to play; but I refuse to swallow your disrespect.

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