No one can predict the future.

Never would I switch to Bayern.

In football, nothing lasts forever.

If Spurs ever came back in me for me, I'd say no.

The most important thing is that I continue to improve.

I really like the Spanish league and find it attractive.

I want to score goals in every match, as many as possible.

I like staying here very much, as I feel at home in Dortmund.

Klopp helped me play my favourite position again - centre-forward.

I have a passion for fast cars. To drive them means pure joy to me.

The only club that could lure me away from Dortmund is Real Madrid.

It's great to see my hard work paying off, even if it's not finished.

To join a great club is nice and all, but you have to play the games.

I was never tempted by the Premier League. It's simply a personal opinion.

I hope Dortmund can reach the final of the Champions League again... why not?

It's a great honour to be recognised and appreciated by your fellow colleagues.

The mentality of coaches and players alike [in Bundesliga]. It's all about winning.

If I didn't believe that I could win titles with Dortmund, then I wouldn't be here.

I believe, and, when I pray, I ask to become one of the best attackers on the planet.

For the parents of the youth of Africa, please give your kids a chance to realise their dreams.

With [Samuel] Eto'o, I talked a lot about his great career and how I could become a better player.

Tuchel shows me how to move and what I could do better. He wants to take me to absolute top level.

Milan offered me something. I was very interested by the project. It did not happen for many reasons.

Some players have ambitions, and therefore, they leave and want to experience something new, you know.

I would love to have a race against Usain Bolt one day! It would certainly be a good challenge for me.

It's frustrating when you make the efforts but the conditions are not there to make a great tournament.

Speed is a part of me. I think I was born with that, and nowadays a fast player, I need a fast car, too.

Robert Lewandowski is a fantastic forward. He challenges me in every match with his performances and goals.

My mother used to have a shop in which she offered very colorful clothes. I liked that from my early days on.

[Didier] Drogba sent me a text message after I won the African Player of the Year award. It made me very happy.

Samuel Eto'o I know well. We see each other often; we send each other messages, and we call each other. It's good.

It's true that PSG have the ambition to win the Champions League, so they could be interesting for a player like me.

Every goal is hard work, especially in such an excellent league as the Bundesliga; or even take the Champions League.

When I was a kid, I watched Hugo Sanchez videos. The backflip I sometimes do when I score is actually an homage to him.

If Real want me, they will call me one day, and, if not, no problem. I live my life and am optimistic about the future.

I want to thank my team mates in the national team and also at Dortmund. It is their work that helps me to score goals.

Real is the club of my heart, and I promised my grandfather that I would play there one day. I hope that it will happen.

If I want to do something like the Batman mask, I just do it. I was like this all the time; I think nobody can change me.

The moment my name was called [Africa's Footballer of the Year] was truly overwhelming and I was about to scream with joy.

First and foremost, we have to focus on what we're doing and not worry about what Bayern - or any other clubs - are doing.

I am grateful to everybody: the training staff, my fellow players, and everybody who works for the club. It is just great.

We had an agreement with Borussia that I could leave. It didn't happen. It is a disappointment. But I'm also happy to stay.

Klopp gave me strength of character and helped me progress. He's a charismatic person, and I have a lot of respect for this man.

China, I didn't take it seriously; it was a lack of professionalism. They delayed to send us a written offer - It was a disaster.

Few years ago I did 30m in 3.7 seconds. Whether that makes me quicker than [Usain] Bolt, I don't know! We all know Usain is the best.

I have no dream. I shall no longer speak of Madrid. They don't want me. This is not a problem. I move forward; I am well in Dortmund.

I always set myself new goals. I always want to do better than I did in the past. I always want to achieve things I never achieved before.

Lots of people think that the Premier League would be good for me, but my mum is Spanish, and I really have that dream to play over there.

I have said in the past that I dream of playing in Spain, but Dortmund has become my second home. I love this club, its fans, and this city.

We have our ambitions [in Dortmund Borussia], and of course I would love to win some titles after some years of finishing second or losing finals.

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