I'm the worst liar alive.

Films come and go. Families stay.

Overnight, I became a public figure.

Guess what? Human beings are complex.

I do enjoy the Scottish way of playing football.

As an actor, you want roles that are full of meat.

I want to keep pushing those boundaries of acting.

I'm not cynical. I cry at 'ET.' And 'Kung Fu Panda!'

I don't know - the whole leading man, I don't buy it.

In 'A Hijacking,' the characters are low-status people.

That guy in 'The Simpsons' - I love Groundskeeper Willie.

Life is not black and white; there is some gray nuance to it.

I think a role model is a person who says, 'This is who I am.'

I think all interesting characters have some kind of a complex.

As a private person, I am maybe more 'Eurovision' than Kasper Juul.

Honestly, I think it's kind of corny to sit and watch your own work.

I like to do my own stunts, but sometimes you need a little bit of help.

The most exciting thing about joining 'Game Of Thrones' is joining 'Game Of Thrones.'

'Eurovision' is a party. I've never said no to a party, so I'm not saying no to this.

I did some theatre straight out of school, and it wasn't anything spectacular at all.

I'm an actor. 99.9% of all actors in the world have been in denial towards the military.

It's always difficult when you're working with Mother Nature, because you need to adapt to that.

I'm not in a position where I can pick and choose. It's the other way around. The studios pick and choose.

I was so irritated that people in Denmark considered me to be this serious guy who only did dramatic roles.

I love 'Sex and the City,' but it's also wonderful that there's something else other than 'Sex and the City.'

I want to direct in Denmark. I married a writer; my best friend's a writer, so I always wanted to be a writer.

I have the deepest, deepest respect for these guys who are actually fighting for democracy in countries far away.

I'm not a natural leader. If you see me in a room, I'm the guy standing in a corner hiding. I'm not an alpha male.

If it was up to me, we would eliminate close-ups and beautiful light and sound - because we want to go back to basics.

In my mind, I still think - and wish - that I'm going to be a journalist or a writer. That's been my dream job my entire life.

On 'Ghost In The Shell,' I'm looking forward more to working with Scarlett Johannson and Rupert Sanders than portraying a lead!

Trump starts out by saying, 'We need to build walls; we need to do this.' He's very bombastic in what he's saying and his approach to the world.

Whenever you do a film, it's always like a little miracle. So many people getting together trying to do something so that the audience can be entertained.

I watched 'Eurovision.' And I actually like the show. I like wind machines. I like the whole glimmer-glamour thing. That's 'Eurovision.' We love to hate it.

The American president isn't just the American president. He's going to be the leader of the whole Western world, you know? You got a pretty big responsibility.

I love people who go out and say, 'If cinema is God, then I'm the pope.' As an actor working with these kinds of people, the older you get, the more you appreciate it.

When you watch the films that I'm inspired by - from the '60s and '70s - it's not about the special effects: it's about the story; it's about characters and relationships.

With 'A Hijacking' I didn't talk to anyone who had been hijacked, but with 'A War,' I talked to as many soldiers as possible trying to understand how is it in Afghanistan.

I think if you just made a film that says, 'This is anti-war,' and you had to spend two hours explaining that... you don't like war? Wow, that's original. Know what I mean?

The leading character isn't always the most important or interesting character; when people think that the protagonist is the character portrayed, it's people who haven't read Shakespeare.

I think six seasons are telling us one thing about 'Game of Thrones': Everyone should watch their back. No one is safe. That's what I love about the show. I love that it's so unpredictable.

It was great fun being part of a TV series that I'd been a fan of for five years. I've been watching it every single Monday when with my wife. It was like a ritual - every Monday night on HBO Nordic, we would watch 'Game of Thrones' together.

I have no ambitions at all! I have none... seriously. I want to be a good father. I want to be a good husband. I want to be a good son, a good brother, a good family member. I don't have any ambition to direct a film or write a play. I like acting.

I used to read reviews - I read a lot of the reviews when I did 'Borgen,' but the thing is, people were so harsh that I talked to my wife about it, and I said this is too tough - the people are too personal and too idiotic to understand it, in my mind.

In my home country, which is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world, you're born with the title. You don't get elected. I don't know how the king and queen of Denmark would respond if they suddenly had to do a speech, if the people would vote for them. I don't know how that would end up.

I did a film called 'Worlds Apart' about a Jehovah's Witness. I was the love interest - the male lead - but the story was about the female lead, a young girl who is a part of this cult, and she wants to break out. She meets a guy who has to help her. She has to find out who she is. It's more like a coming of age story.

One of the things I've learned from 'Borgen' is that it's very easy to criticise people; 'I hate this politician, I hate what they do.' You are doing this right now with Margaret Thatcher, but sometimes it's hard to be a politician. I'm not defending Margaret Thatcher, but we believe our statesmen are also human beings.

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