Keralites don't think on communal lines.

Kerala is not the place to roll out the RSS agenda.

Drugs should be available for cheap prices for patients.

Leaders in the LDF are united and there are no differences.

Central aid never comes in one disbursal; it comes in phases.

The Congress has never taken a firm stand against communalism.

People of Kerala will never allow divisive elements to succeed.

Controversies will disappear once you have a task and a mission.

Congress started mixing politics with religion. BJP perfected it.

I should say unity and commitment are pivotal to the Kerala model.

It is not for me but for the people to rate the central government.

We have to continue to resist all attempts to change our constitution.

Do not try to play politics using the health of the public during a disaster.

Land acquisition is a problem in Kerala because the available land is limited.

There's nothing wrong in our dam management and such allegations are baseless.

Our country is secular and Kerala is one state where it plays out at its best.

Modern Kerala is a product of the selfless social service of great visionaries.

Kerala has been one of the most vocal voices of federalism, and it will remain so.

India has a national structure that accepts various languages. Nobody can dilute it.

People should not feel that they are not Indians because they don't understand Hindi.

RSS and BJP are not only tarnishing the government but also insulting people of Kerala.

RSS is an organization that is trained in spreading lies and creating communal clashes.

The aim of RSS is to build an axis of countries like U.S., India and Israel against China.

The Kerala Police is the best law and order force and investigation agency in the country.

Calamities have taught us a great lesson - we have to stand together when we are in danger.

Environment conservation without stagnating development is the objective of our government.

A move to decide citizenship on the basis of religion amounts to rejecting the Constitution.

The Left is not a major electoral force in many states; in some, we are practically not there.

It was the anti-people stance of the Congress that had led to the emergence of BJP into power.

Kerala's inalienable strength is our excellent social infrastructure, built over a period of time.

India is a secular nation and believers of all religions and atheists have a place in this country.

Weakening the federal structure essentially hampers our unity in diversity, India's biggest strength.

Kerala has a history of being resilient... in a short span we had several crises - floods, Nipah, Ockhi, etc.

The Congress needs to consolidate its secular credentials. Its soft Hindutva approach would only help the BJP.

We know that police alone can't prevent violence. Support of political parties is imperative to maintain peace.

Kerala has little tolerance for corruption. We have also made our governance as transparent as much as possible.

Rebuilding Kerala has to do with creating climate-resilient infrastructure and realising sustainable livelihoods.

Before we complete our term in office we will provide home for every family in Kerala. No one will remain homeless.

It is inappropriate to portray the central contribution to the Disaster Relief Fund as help for COVID-19 prevention.

Kerala is not a resource-rich State. This is a big challenge. Only if you have resources, you will have sound industries.

Encroachment upon the powers and rights of States also goes against the grain of the Constitution and federal principles.

This very concept of police assault is a colonialist notion and it holds no significance in a modern, democratic society.

The Left government has been consistent in its approach to a development process that takes environment into consideration.

Government officials should recognize that the files in front of them represent very important issues in the lives of people.

Minorities, Dalits, farmers, students, writers - all have faced the brunt of the Narendra Modi government and risen in protest.

The Left Front, being an egalitarian political force, has always supported removing untouchability and discrimination in society.

It is the RSS and the BJP that have always initiated political violence in our midst; not just in Kerala, but in the entire country.

The renaissance movement and social reformers have taught us that superstitious beliefs and customs should be challenged and opposed.

From my experience, I can tell you, a party general secretary naturally cannot take care of the responsibilities of a parliamentarian.

Kerala has set an example in providing facilities for Haj pilgrimage. People are working as volunteers in Haj camps without honorarium.

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